
Well Known Member
What are the chances on a scale of 1 to 10. 1 meaning no way Jose, 10 meaning yep stand by for OSH2015;), in the next 4 1/2 years Garmin might come out with a box similar to the GDL39R for an experimental airplane that will have its own GPS within it that will:
1. Be FAA ADSB 2020 compliant?
2. Be compatible with other Garmin products like the GTX327 (for altitude serial data and power on-off interface) and Area 796 (for weather and traffic display)?
3. Cost between $1500.00 & $800.00?:)
The slightest hint, head tilt, wink;) would be greatly appreciated.:D
Thanks all mighty Garmin Soothsayer.:eek:

This has been kicked around some. I have asked the same question in order to try and get out of having to buy a GNT Nav.-Com. that is WAAS certified. The GPS in the 39 R with WAAS and talking to the GTX-23 ES would be great for the guy that really does not what to be flying an RV in bad weather but does want to bust class A,B,C, airspace after 2020. I think the hold up would come in the form of will the F.A.A. relax the rule for the home built and let them use a not certified GPS reporting system that meats the standard but is not certified to the TSO. I would give it a "9". If I was spending the money to bring something like this to market I would not do that till all my other options had run out first. Yours. R.E.A. III #80888