RV 8


RV8 QB N46RX Started construstion January 2006
I haven't touched the wings, yet.
The fuse is done, interior painted and seats here in the box, canopy done, engine and FWF done. Prop and spinner done. Instrument panel, still waiting on it to come from the radio shop. Still need to do wheel pants and intersaction farings. I will not make my goal of flying April 1st. Too many jobs. :eek:
Stop in any time.
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Your Wings.


I saw your post and wanted to take the opportunity to update you on my progress. I'm blazing through your wing kit! Both ailerons complete. Right flap complete. Left flap drilled and ready for debur, dimple and prime. I'll likely start on the wing structures in about eight weeks. I can't say "thanks" enough for the wing kit!
RV 8 wings

Sunday after a good lunch with my Buddies at the Restaurant on Brennam airport 11R ........................,
Carol and I got my wings out, dusted them off, and mounted the aileron brackets, ailerons, push rods fitted, drilled the two skins on, deburred same. I got one wing dimpled before knocking off for the evening.
Yesterday, Monday, I dimpled the other wing skin and ribs, got both Flaps drilled in, had to use -4 hinge.
Today I will finish the flaps and start riviting the skins. I see flight at the end of the tunnel!
Gary, Thanks for boosting me up!
RV 8 QB Wings


progress report.........March 8, 2007

Flaps,,,,fitted to wings,,,,,Done.......
Right and Left Skins Rivited......
Landing Lights cut in
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Sounds like your progress is really coming along!

On my -9 wings? Yes, I sold the SB wings to Fred out of central Texas. Still in the crates and never opened when sold.

I was going to buy a C-172, and needed to scare up some money to pay cash for it (it was a great deal). I decided that based on the great deal for the Cessna, I was crazy to not buy the plane and wanted to pay cash. However, I scrapped the deal in the final hours. The plane belongs to a friend of mines father, who unfortunately got Alteimers (sp?) disease pretty badly. The family wanted to sell the plane so they didn't have to pay hangar fees, insurance, so the guy wouldn't try to fly it (he sometimes has days when he seems OK), etc. We had a really tough time finding any info on the plane, and of course the owner honestly didn't recall where he had stored all the paperwork. After an exhaustive search, the family found limited records on the engine and some annuals, but nothing was logged as it was supposed to be. After speaking with Mel, I decided not to buy the plane. The most crucial part was the fact that there were absolutely no logs on the airframe itself...nothing. Therefore, while it may have still been a good buy for me, I would have had a very tough time selling it- if I ever decided to go that route. It was a 172D, and I had a deal to buy it for $19,000! Low time Cessna (from what we could determine) and full of upgraded avionics. But something just didn't seem right, especially when I had very limited logs/history, and couldn't even ask the owner about it since he couldn't recall due to the disease.

So, I am back to square one. However, my house remodel is progessing nicely, and my 1200-foot shop is built. Once the house is done, I plan to continue building, although I will be going the QB route this time. I just wanted to be in the air ASAP, and the Cessna would have done that immediately. The idea was to fly the heck out of the Cessna, build some time, have some fun, and then sell it for a profit. The proceeds were then going to go towards the QB -9.

So, long-story short, I am delayed a little bit. However, it will be nice when I order the QB version because all the pressures of my remodel will be behind me. I can only convince the wife for so long, that looking at no drywall, wall studs, trusses, and an open attic in the living room is a "good thing" :D And, this remodel stuff is EXPENSIVE! The entire home is being gutted and redone, right down to every piece of drywall, new windows, flooring, granite counter tops, etc.

I'd like to come see you soon. Take care,
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JBirds RV8


Good on you selling those s/b wings..... Get a 7 QB next!

I just got a call to pick up my RV8 panel in Fredricksburg. With the panel here I am looking at a June 2007 first flight.
I got a Cessna 150 a few days ago to teach my girl friend, Carol, some flying. I am having trouble finding the time to keep all the windows clean! It is fun over here. All airplanes all the time.

My Condolences

Sorry to hear about the deal falling through on you, Gary. :( THANKS! :mad: Now instead if feeling exhilarated every time I go aloft in my aircraft on YOUR wings, I'm going to feel guilty and underhanded. But I'm strong and I'll suffer through, because I know, deep down inside, you'd want me to. :D

Seriously though, I know that must have been tough. I think the QB route is the way to go. (I'm going to send the center section back for a QB Fuse.) It was a good deal for me because I had to build my own tanks in order to use a VMS capacitance fuel guage. You'll likely still be in the air before me! (wanna race?)

I've started straightening wing ribs! Woo-Hoo!

OK, let me see if I get this right.....

You have the ultimate home (at the airport), dream job (builder assistance on RV's), an RV-6, a North Star Cub, an RV-8, and now a C-150? Oh, and I forgot about the multiple Jeeps, too! :D

Holy cow, now THAT'S the life! Four planes, an airport home/career, and a girlfriend who likes to fly? Priceless!

And I can't find the time to build one of them! :eek:

If I only knew where you find all the time! (and money, of course) :D

Take care,


The C-150 is a loner. Trading some work on it for some use. Belongs to a friend. If Carol really takes to flying and gets her licence, I will get her cked out in The Borrowed Horse. She just wants to do a pinch hitter thing for now.
I sold the Wrangler last year. I still have the CJ 7. That was the plan all along. Two Jeeps is too much.
Life is, good.
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