
Well Known Member
How long have you been in and around NW Regional?

Jay just cleared up my confusion in another post, on where everyone was based, and I think I am figuring it all out now. What threw me off, was the fact that your plane is over in his shop temporarily! :eek:

I don't think I have mentioned it here or within the Yahoo! groups, but I have a family history of aviation up in that part of the county, and that's mainly why I ask about NW Regional.

My grandfather had an aircraft business and private strip in Keller (Robertson Aircraft) not too far from NW Regional. He specialized in rebuilding storm damaged aircraft, mainly Cessna's. His business / strip / home, was on 1709 in Keller, just east of Goode's Airport (in case you ever heard of that one). Now the old 24-acre airport is covered in custom homes, some of them REAL expensive houses. It makes me sad to think about it being gone, everytime I drive by there. Anyway, my uncle also had another business on the same strip, Robertson Aviation. Grandad rebuilt damaged Cessna's, while my uncle did helicopter service for WFAA Channel 8, etc. Once the private strip in Keller was sold to developers, both my grandfather and uncle moved their businesses up to NW Regional. My grandfather rented space, but my uncle built a nice big hangar up in the NW corner of the field (he also lived in an apartment inside the hangar). That's been many years ago (10+) but I didn't know how long you had been around NW Regional?

For some OLD NW Regional history, we used to fly over there all the time when it was owned by Edna Gardner. Of course at the time, it was still known as "Aero Valley". Edna was a personal family friend, and also solo'ed my dad way back in the day (1962) at 2.5 hours time! It was always great talking to Edna, if you have ever heard old stories about her. She was also friends with Amelia Earhart back in the early-early days, and I will always wonder what happened to all of Edna's old Amelia memorabilia, after she passed.

Sorry for the novel; the mention of NW Regional just sparked a lot of old memories!

p.s. Is there still a lady flying out of NW Regional in a red, white and blue Pitt's? Sandy, I think? Over on the east side of the field, mid-runway? Years ago, my dad and I took rides with her in the Pitts. I have never felt so 'green behind the gills' in my life. Talk about a quick snap roll! :eek:
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Hey Gary.

Let's see...I've been based at NW Regional (52F since around October of 2002). Flash's first flight was 9/17/02 at Hicks (T67) and I repositioned about a month later after transition training.

NW Regional has a long and rich history, and I'm told it's currently the largest privately owned airport in the U.S. (their website is http://www.nwratx.org/)

(image here courtesy http://www.nwratx.org/)

I have heard of Goode aiport. Yes, I've heard many, many stories about Edna Gardner (but I never had the good fortune to meet her).

There are a couple of Pitts based there (that I've seen), but I can't remember meeting a lady flying one. There are a LOT of planes here and I think I've only seen about 5%.

Doug R.

txaviator said:
How long have you been in and around NW Regional?

Jay just cleared up my confusion in another post, on where everyone was based, and I think I am figuring it all out now. What threw me off, was the fact that your plane is over in his shop temporarily! :eek:

I don't think I have mentioned it here or within the Yahoo! groups, but I have a family history of aviation up in that part of the county, and that's mainly why I ask about NW Regional.

My grandfather had an aircraft business and private strip in Keller (Robertson Aircraft) not too far from NW Regional. He specialized in rebuilding storm damaged aircraft, mainly Cessna's. His business / strip / home, was on 1709 in Keller, just east of Goode's Airport (in case you ever heard of that one). Now the old 24-acre airport is covered in custom homes, some of them REAL expensive houses. It makes me sad to think about it being gone, everytime I drive by there. Anyway, my uncle also had another business on the same strip, Robertson Aviation. Grandad rebuilt damaged Cessna's, while my uncle did helicopter service for WFAA Channel 8, etc. Once the private strip in Keller was sold to developers, both my grandfather and uncle moved their businesses up to NW Regional. My grandfather rented space, but my uncle built a nice big hangar up in the NW corner of the field (he also lived in an apartment inside the hangar). That's been many years ago (10+) but I didn't know how long you had been around NW Regional?

For some OLD NW Regional history, we used to fly over there all the time when it was owned by Edna Gardner. Of course at the time, it was still known as "Aero Valley". Edna was a personal family friend, and also solo'ed my dad way back in the day (1962) at 2.5 hours time! It was always great talking to Edna, if you have ever heard old stories about her. She was also friends with Amelia Earhart back in the early-early days, and I will always wonder what happened to all of Edna's old Amelia memorabilia, after she passed.

Sorry for the novel; the mention of NW Regional just sparked a lot of old memories!

p.s. Is there still a lady flying out of NW Regional in a red, white and blue Pitt's? Sandy, I think? Over on the east side of the field, mid-runway? Years ago, my dad and I took rides with her in the Pitts. I have never felt so 'green behind the gills' in my life. Talk about a quick snap roll! :eek: