
Well Known Member

I realized now that I'm about to install the stabilator that complying with the SB for cracking means the pre-glued washers aren't going to work. I was wondering if there are any tips or improvements beyond this prior thread?

I got my micrometer out and it looks like one side will need two thin washers and the other a thick and a thin - but it seems likely that I won't know where exactly to put the thick washer until after the stab is mounted. Fortune seems to have favored me though, I have a wheeled tool box that is almost exactly the same height as my tail - so I already had the stab attached once to fit the fiberglass tailcone. I'm about to put it back on and was wondering if the state of the art for washer insertion had improved since that prior thread was posted :)
I have used thick axle grease to hold washers. Another trick that I have used is
to stick a very strong rare earth magnet onto the bolt head. Then washers will
stick to the bolt. I used a magnet out of an old hard drive.

I realized now that I'm about to install the stabilator that complying with the SB for cracking means the pre-glued washers aren't going to work. I was wondering if there are any tips or improvements beyond this prior thread?

I got my micrometer out and it looks like one side will need two thin washers and the other a thick and a thin - but it seems likely that I won't know where exactly to put the thick washer until after the stab is mounted. Fortune seems to have favored me though, I have a wheeled tool box that is almost exactly the same height as my tail - so I already had the stab attached once to fit the fiberglass tailcone. I'm about to put it back on and was wondering if the state of the art for washer insertion had improved since that prior thread was posted :)
I don’t recall the spacing changing during that SB. I used big washers (from a post way back when) that glue in and stay in great
My washer spacing did not change at all ... so that was good.

For inserting the washers, I have always had good luck placing blue painters tape on both edges of the washers and sticking them onto the edge of a thin metal machinist ruler. Using a fresh piece of tape for each washer installed. Once the washer is lined up, the thin metal rule allows the washer to be pushed in place so the bolt can be passed through it.

Another thing I tried the last time I had the stabilator off, which worked out quite well, was to grind the threads off a couple of bolts along with removing a little material from the shank then shape the bolts to be more bullet shaped so they could be used as alignment pins. The stabilator was set in position and "pinned" in place without worrying about washers. Then I removed one pin at a time and inserted the bolt and associated washers ... worked out quite well. Below is a photo showing the pins ... the vinyl tubing and wire tie is used as an aid to hold the pins/bolts during instillation.
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