
Well Known Member
Odd question maybe on priming all those tips (vert. stab, rudder top & bottom, horiz, stab, elevator)

I am trying to decide if:
  1. I should prime the varios tips before attaching to flight surfaces with the pop-rivets or...
  2. Maybe do initial sanding, then go ahead and install and prime later with rest of part before paint.

The reason I ask is I have those pieces ready to install and would like to get them off the shelf and on the plane.

Probably just a personal preference I know.

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This was a question not a statement

The reason for the post was to get input.

Prime tips BEFORE OR AFTER attachment?

What have many of you done....what sequence seems to work best.

Your Choice!

I matters not!

My preference would be to prime a little as possible, especially on the exterior, as most of this will have to be sanded off when it comes time to paint.

Thanks Mel. What I figured.

I will go ahead and attach and prep then prime elevator, rudder etc. with tips on later.

Thanks again.