
Well Known Member
I am planning to glue on the wing NACA vent this week. While preparing the bonding surfaces, it dawned on me that attaching the hose will be a real pain in the keester once the vent is attached. I did not get any clamps in my kit but I do have the black vent tubing. Do you attach this hose with a stainless hose clamp? I could not find anything in the instructions or DWGs. I did read a post where a fella installed nut plates on the wing vent just so he could attach the hose while it was out of the airplane.

Is there some other type of hose to use here, the hose seems kind of cheap and possibly prone to breakage. It look like years of heat might make the plastic hose brittle and fail in short order. Thanks for any help.

I used the van's plastic hose and a stainless hose clamps, still good after 4 yrs and 250 hrs.
I don't know about the -8...

...but on my -6A, I used Van's supplied black rubber vent tube. I attached it with a "standard" worm hose clamp from the auto parts store.

Just as a precaution, I formed some SS wire screen around the air exit portion of the NACA plastic vent, and then slipped the hose over the screen / vent. This prevents any flying critters from entering the AC through the vent system.
Just as a precaution, I formed some SS wire screen around the air exit portion of the NACA plastic vent, and then slipped the hose over the screen / vent. This prevents any flying critters from entering the AC through the vent system.

The -8 project that I bought last fall did not have screens over either NACA vent. I put a screen on the fuselage vent while rebuilding/reassembling the airplane, but like Mike Elliott said, how in the heck to you attach a screen and then the hose on the wing vent? Looks like a total and complete PITA to me, if it is possible at all. Thanks
Just a thought...

...can you attach the screen to the cabin end of the vent hose. At least it will keep the bugs out of your habitat.
SCAT Tubing


If you're concerned about the life-span of the Vans supplied ducting, try replacing it with standard SCAT ducting. You can order it in 1/4" sizes up to 4", and 1/2" thereafter. SCAT4 = 1" / SCAT9 = 2 1/4" / etc. I'm sure Aircraft Spruce and many other sources have it in stock.
Can someone tell me what kit this NACA vent is supplied with and what the part number is? I'm trying to finish up my wings and I thought it came with the wing kit, but I can't seem to locate it.
Can someone tell me what kit this NACA vent is supplied with and what the part number is? I'm trying to finish up my wings and I thought it came with the wing kit, but I can't seem to locate it.
I thought the same thing. The vent is shipped with the fuselage kit. I don't know why Van's does that. I would have bonded the vent into place and closed up the wing had I had that vent. Also, when it came time to install the duct....it really was not very difficult to route by accessing through the inspection cover. By the time you are ready to do so, make certain you ready cut out the large hole on the side of the fuselage per plans first for duct to pass through. Since I located the fresh air vent on the pax floor, the ducting had no crazy bends and its overall length was not very long.

Rick -

Two questions:

1. What label maker did you use?


2. Who made the stick boot?


label maker

I would also like to know what label maker you are using? As with the rest of your plane they look great.
...1. What label maker did you use?.....stick boot?....
Abby Erdmann did my interior stuff. Shown on the RV-8 page her website are photos of Dakota Queen and my seats. I couldn't recommend Abby highly enough and a tour of her website indicates that feeling is shared by many other satisfied RV customers:


The label maker I used is illustrated here:

BTW, remember when you install your hose clamps to do it so that the screw can be reached from the bottom. Once you rivet on that top skin, you may not have access to it later.

As the others have suggested, I put some screening between the NACA duct and the hose to keep the critters out.

Oh, and I used this hose specifically made for RV's:

The reason for the different hose was so that it would work with the small wire clamp that came with my gasper vent. (Don't ask, the gasper vents were a gift from a friend and the clamp was included. He picked them up at the bone yard when doing some work out there with his company a number of years ago.)
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naca & hosers

yes, a wasp has entered the cabin before installing a plastic screen.

...every once in a while, I look at my vents, and wish I had aluminum eyeballs, with hi-temp hose, and a wire screen on the inlet.

...just paranoid that hot oil or melting cowling would find it's way in thru this path should the engine decide to become a torch.

...but i could be way off base here.