
Well Known Member
I noticed that the plans say not to rivet a total of 10 rivet-hole locations on the top of the RV-9 horizontal stabilzer, in order to allow for attaching the fairing later. However the plans don't call out any nutplates to be installed, which it seems to me would be inserted in the rib prior to attaching the skin.

What have others done in this location? I pinged Fairings-Etc and learned that they recommend a #6 nutplate. Yikes, is that ever an expensive size!

Also, the plans don't call out leaving any holes open on the bottom of the HS. How do others attach the fairing down here?
You will put in 6/32 nutplates on the upper HS, VS and emp. The lower fairing you will tap for 4/40 screws. At least that's what I did. The number of fasteners is at your discretion. None are required, some people get their fairing to fit so well that it only takes a few fasteners to hold it on. I probably have 10-12 total on the upper and the lower whatever was punched on the the fairing (4 or 5?)

Others have some excellent ideas about installation. You will get some good guidance.
DWG 44


Look at DWG 44 in your build manual and you will see what the callouts are. I would wait until you are ready to fit the fairing because you will need to match drill these nutplate positions through the fairing. You will be able to see the #40 hole in the skins through the fiberglass to see where to drill.