the report is an interesting read, thanks for the link.

"Flutter speed variation can be affected by the pressure on the rudder pedals, the centre of mass of the control surface or free play in a trim tab."

The take away for me is to be sure to have my feet planted on the the rudder pedals whenever playing around Vne...
I need to find a translator that will correct the pronouns.
I note there is a lot of what I'd call speculation in the findings. Not to say the suppositions aren't supported, I was just surprised to see so much read into the likely causes as opposed to just reporting physical facts.
The take away for me is to be sure to have my feet planted on the the rudder pedals whenever playing around Vne...

Ditto - and I have the small (RV-8) rudder. I keep it "loaded" (feet on the pedals) nowadays...
Feet on the rudder

I can’t imagine flying with my feet off the rudder pedals.
I need to find a translator that will correct the pronouns.
I note there is a lot of what I'd call speculation in the findings. Not to say the suppositions aren't supported, I was just surprised to see so much read into the likely causes as opposed to just reporting physical facts.

I’m happy to translate for you, and am curious what you consider speculation.

After reading the report, which was pretty detailed, I can only assume why the report contained assumptions in hopes of giving the reader an understanding of the reason why the pilot may have did what he did.

I don’t understand how the pilot did not fly with the auto pilot especially after nearly crashing minutes earlier before heading back to the departing airport and then deciding to continue to his destination airport. It’s obviously risky enough flying IFR without being certified and hoping to be vfr at the destination airport but to attempt to hand fly IFR without being certified is not a mistake but totally foolish. One thing is accidentally flying into imc but knownly flying into imc and trying to hand fly imc is more than foolish
Rudder Pedal Springs

Has anyone added any sort of springs to the forward side of the pedals (firewall side) to apply that "loading" and also to help center the pedals? I'm also curious if there are any downsides to doing something like this in general, even if the benefits of keeping the pedals loaded aren't super advantageous.

Something like a simple hook riveted to the firewall and then some low tension springs attached to the pedals, similar to the roll trim.
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