
Our local airport has weather on 110.8
If I get the SL40 I assume there will not be a way to get weather on 110.8?
Do I need to get the SL30 or ?

Yep, you'll need a VOR NAV receiver for that. I know a lot of guys have been talking about the coming end of the VOR. That's probably not too far off, but I think it's still worthwhile to have a VOR receiver. I installed a SL30 and so far don't regret it.
Better options

You won't get 110.8 on the SL-40. However, rather than spend another $2k for the SL-30 just for the occasional ATIS why not pick up a used 396/496 with XM (including METARS). This would give much more capability plus money left over.
When I flew into Baxley GA a while back I was surprised to see the AWOS was on the ADF beacon....
NAV receiver better

You won't get 110.8 on the SL-40. However, rather than spend another $2k for the SL-30 just for the occasional ATIS why not pick up a used 396/496 with XM (including METARS). This would give much more capability plus money left over.

That would not help you any if there is a GPS outage like the upcoming ones in the Florida and Georgia area.
Im thinking it would be best to just get the SL30 as my home base weather is on 110.8
I have a G3X with XM weather in the plane. I know I could get metars there but I think the Nav would be more covenient. The winds change regularly around here and I am used to using the nav for weather. There are several airports around that use the nav frequencies also.

Does this sound like the right thing to do?

Another option would be a Icom IC-R6 wide-band handheld receiver for less than $200.
The Icom R6 will cover from 100 KHz to 1310 MHZ, capable of receiving the ATIS on both the LF Beacons and VOR.
When not being used in the aircraft it is a very handy radio to have around for emergency purposes.