
Well Known Member
Although this isn't directly RV-related, this audio track does in fact detail the mass chaos that ensues when people don't follow directions from ATC. Therefore, I felt this post should be within the 'safety section'.

Even though this is about 9-minutes long, it is sure good listening. Man, this ATC controller had a heck of a time with this JFK mess. He gets so frustrated he tells pilots they should "come up here and visit the tower someday". Greatness.


Take care,

I often take students to the Tower to watch those poor guys in a dark room staring at a screen for hours.

On a recent flight back home from LZU, no one spoke to Center for 15 minutes and I couldn't help but wonder where everyone was, (or if my radio broke:D) so I asked, "Hey Atlanta, where is everybody on a Saturday with clear skies and 50 mile visibility?" He replied, "I dunno but I'd really rather be where you are!" Gotta love those guys,

I worked with them in the USAF

Back in the dark ages I was a radio mechanic in the USAF Airways and Air Communication Service (AACS) in Korea and South Carolina. In Korea we lived together so there were few secrets. The controllers that I knew were very proud of their work and intellectually a cut above the average airman. I never heard one lose their composure in the center at Taegu, the control towers, GCA or RAPCON. I recently flew into the New York City area and both center and approach were great. For 15 years I flew to work every day in Los Angeles and they make few mistakes. They occassionally get a little testy but when things get sorted out it is back to normal. Their's is not a job I ever wished for.

Bob Axsom
Typical day at JFK:D You gotta love those NY guys. LGA is pretty entertaining too.

IMO, at least for my little brain, ORD gets worse than that:eek:

He did a great job.

The other day I enjoyed listening to a hapless pilot communicating with Flagstaff tower. His reported position was 6 mi. SW for runway 30 (Flag has 3/21). After several minutes and no sighting, the tower finally caught on and informed him that he was actually at Williams, some 30 miles West. I didn't switch frequencies to find out what they had to say about the guy who'd been tooling around near their pattern trying to get landing clearance from another airport...
LGA on a "normal" day

>>>LGA is pretty entertaining too.<<<

I'll bite, and one way of putting it. This place has been chaos for so long that I doubt the controllers even realize it, have become de-sensitized to it all, etc., else they'd lose their mind. Normally landing and takeoff occurrs on runways 90 degrees to each other. My "favorite" is land 22, depart 31, when winds are out of NW. The interval has gotten so tight that not sure we have not gotten into a rwy 31 t/o burble just prior to touchdown on 22 sometimes. We do FAC speed adjustments based on ATC instructions and interval, closure rates displayed on TCAS. But on a positive note for the flying public, we get an awful lot of regular practice at this stuff, more than we'd like actually. Need more time for hobbies, RVing, etc...
From: ATC

Awww, you made me blush..... but from all the boys-n-girls that do this stuff every day.... THANKS for all the kind words. I expected quite a bit more *$%^#@#^ ;)

I've got 20+ years at Miami Center and 5 at Denver. Most of the people on BOTH sides of the mike are definitely a "cut above".

I salute you all!