Marc DeGirolamo

Well Known Member
Anyone know why OSH feed is down and if it will be active this week ?? I would sure like to listen to the Oshkosh arrivals.
Marc DeGirolamo said:
Anyone know why OSH feed is down and if it will be active this week ?? I would sure like to listen to the Oshkosh arrivals.

Since feeds to are provided by volunteers, it appears no one with the necessary location and equipment stepped forward this year. But someone may yet step in later in the week. According to a posting on the Usenet newsgroup rec.aviation.homebuilt the person who provided last year's feed did not respond to a question on whether they would be able to do it this year:
Man that is a shame. I really looked forward to this for this year and have been bummed looking at the feed link showing down. :(
JimLogajan said:
Since feeds to are provided by volunteers, it appears no one with the necessary location and equipment stepped forward this year. But someone may yet step in later in the week. According to a posting on the Usenet newsgroup rec.aviation.homebuilt the person who provided last year's feed did not respond to a question on whether they would be able to do it this year:

Geez that's too bad....for Us poor shmucks who can't make it.....perhaps someone will pick up the ball .....