
Well Known Member
Today I re-enacted the first flight of my RV-4 exactly thirty years ago, June 6th, 1989. I departed my home base at 06:00 and circled the field just as I did years ago looking for any problems inflight. This time, having confidence in a well tested airframe, I continued on to one of my favorite airports located at Leadville Colorado, elevation 9933 msl. My RV4 is no stranger to high country having lived her entire life here in Colorado and her performance is a good match for our mountains.

After making the first flight of an RV4 in Idaho in 1985, I was bitten by the RV bug pretty hard. I ordered tail kit #1150 after returning from that flight and it was delivered to Harold Steiner’s little shop in Murphy Idaho. He told me I could utilize his space and tools to begin building. Back then I was commuting to ORD for my day job and often gone for long periods of time. After returning home to Boise, I had time to start the tail and drove the hour to Harold’s house only to discover the vertical and horizontal surfaces had already been built.

Being a lousy commuter, I bid the Denver domicile and the project was on hold until a suitable house was found to resume building. The walkout basement had French doors installed so once the fuselage was on the gear; it could be moved outside and rolled up the backyard to the driveway. Building conveniently in my residence helped expedite the process and after starting in earnest October 86, the plane made its first flight June 6, 1989.

The RV4 fulfilled the multi role assignments with gusto and aplomb. From being my WW2 piston powered fighter engaged in dog fighting with an equally enthusiastic RV3 owner to being my back country explorer and camping companion. The -4 is equally adept at acro and formation flying and I enjoyed flying with the Prescott based “Composite Pursuit Squadron” and later being a charter member of the “Rocky Mountain Renegades” who’ll be performing at OSH this summer. Don’t miss ‘em !

My wife and I spent the first few years flying to numerous fly ins and air shows throughout the western States including camping trips in Idaho. Potential and enthusiastic builders gave us a warm reception where ever we stopped and a number of kits sold as a result of this exposure. Back then Van’s would send a one hundred dollar check for customers sent his way.

Given the proliferation of models now available with improved kits and detailed plans...the RV4 would still be my choice.

When asked by aviators how I liked the -4? My response at the age of forty-two was, “It’s as much fun as you can have with your clothes on”. Now thirty years later that same thought still holds true.


Hans “Cobra” Miesler

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Nice story Cobra.

Its amazing how they get to be such a big part of our lives. I always thought my RV-4 would be a stepping stone on the way to something bigger and better, but I can?t ever imagine letting it go. My oldest daughter was 2 years old when I started building and now she has a 5 year old herself.


Ps. I have some great video of Cobra?s airplane in action if anyone is interested I will post it
Great plane great pilot

Hans, not only is the -4 a great airplane, you are a master at extracting every bit of performance from it. It was my pleasure to narrate your solo aerobatic performance at air shows. You are a true maestro in the air
Thanks Twister and Wizard. I wish you blue skies and a safe OSH experience this summer. I enjoyed watching your practice the other day and seeing how far the Renegades have advanced in their airshow presentation.

Best of luck,

A time to remember

A man and his machine. True love. A nice look back Hans. And I agree another 30 years is the plan.;)

Congratulations Hans! She's still a beauty! And that backdrop is amazing.

I flew with you on my first formation flight after entering the RV world. After watching you do a 2 ship loop on arrival, I was hooked!

Thanks for all you have done to promote aviation and in particular RV formation flying in the Rocky Mountain area.

Jim Gray
Flight Lead - Rocky Mountain Renegades
That's a beautiful story! :)

I can't imagine what it would be like to have one airplane and live in one state for 30 years... but it sure sounds nice.
I can attest that Hans built a beautiful machine. More than that, though, after flying on his wing a bit I think he's a true "aviator" and not just a mere pilot or controls manipulator...

CCsmith I sent you an E mail. I miss our Idaho flights and am planning on getting Chief Pilot and a couple of his combat warriors to meet up at Smiley Creek this summer. 4000 feet of golf course worthy runway at 7000 msl and the Sawtooths in the back drop are awesome. Not to mention the cool nights, star gazing and taking that midnight pee into the tiny trickle of a stream that becomes the mighty Salmon River. Oh, did I mention the excellent cafe just across the street, the Smiley Creek Cafe.

Cheers, Hans
Great Memories

Hi Hans,

I have recollections of your RV-4 visiting Aurora Airpark east of Denver 26+ years ago in the early 1990's. Is this correct?

I was a young flight instructor there and was in awe of your plane. The idea of building a fast modern plane back then was a game changer!

Thanks for the report!

That would be me and nice of you to remember an iconic airstrip. It's no longer
in service with the activation of DIA. I have fond memories of Aurora Airpark on numerous approaches into DIA Rwy 35 for several years after it was decommissioned.

Hope you are enjoying the Van's experience.

Cheers, Hans
Great story Hans! I think you are one of the original if not THE original RV guys here in Colorado. Much respect for sure! When I get my new prop installed on my -4, I'm heading back down to give you the jump! Maybe one of these days I'll turn tighter and get the guns on you! Stay tuned ....;-)