
Well Known Member
During the first January flight we had taken this still photo from a Camera screwed on Franz's plane along the tip screws line.

It's a strange perspective (for a carburator engine :D)

I'd like to share it with you :

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Another thing on the to do list

You just reminded me that I need to clean the bottom of my plane :)

Great Pic

If the mothership passes on this for the 2020 calendar, can I please use it for the Feb wallpaper calendar?

That might be the prettiest RV picture I've ever seen.


Awesome! Mind sharing a full res for the rest of us? Would love to have that on my rotating screen saver until it makes a calendar.


Amazing photo Luca. Like everyone has said, it's a definite for the 2020 calendar. One of the best I've seen for sure.

Thanks for sharing buddy.