Gregg Brightwell

Well Known Member
Finally, after 22 years of loving aviation, and 15 years of wanting to build an RV, this 26 year old, commercial rated A & P for Cessna has faxed in his order. Next week I should have the tail feather kit in my shop for an RV-4. I have worked extremely hard (at A & P wages) to put myself in the position to order the kit. To some of you more financially blessed, this might not seem like a big deal. To me, it is a significant event, and I am very excited to 'open my present' next week. I have worked on a hundred or more planes, including helping in the build on 3 rv's. ( a 6, a 7, and an 8A.) But this one, well, it is just for me. I am building my own airplane! I bet if you think back, most of you probably were just as excited, so hopefully I am not overdoing it. :D

God Bless the USA!!!

Great post, welcome, and congratulations on beginning your kit. I can feel the enthusiasm coming through the monitor <g>.

I think most of us know just how you feel! Welcome to VAF and the builder side of things.
Starting line


Good on ya! Enjoy the process. When someone asks "when will it be done"? Just say Friday. Don't say which month or year, just Friday! Have fun. :)
Thanks guys, for the welcome. I have follwoed this site for months, and now can be part of it!

I already work on airplanes about 50 hours a week.. I wonder if I can squeeze in 25 more at home?

Estimates on avg completion time for an emp?


On a -4, don't know.

Welcome, Gregg.
On my -7A (pre-punched) the emp took about 150 hours not including the glass tips. Not sure what all is punched on the -4; wing skins only? Whatever, you will enjoy the building, especially after working on 20, 30, 40 year-old airplanes. There's something special about working with brand new parts. Enjoy the ride.

I remember the excitement well.

It really depends on where your starting from...If your having to cut holes in the spar (i.e really starting from scratch) then this is not a fast build. I have a friend with an absolutely gorgeous RV4...His boast is that it took him "15 years and 15 days" to build it...Mind you that was with a growing family and growing buisiness.

His Name is Jom Schrock if anyone knows him...Hes quite a guy and now owns an AG-CAT and set himself up as an independant crop sprayer...My Wife said "Forget about it" so I guss I won't be floowing him down that path..:)

Congrats! Its an exciting feeling when you know you will be able to start that RV! I hope to be recieving an RV3 tail kit within the next couple weeks! I see you work for Cessna in Independence? I have been wanting to fly down there and check the facility out, maybe talk to them about any possible job opportunities after college. If I get a chance, I might see you down there!

I do work for Cessna in Independence, as a Flight Mechanic on the Citation Mustang. Come see me anytime, I will show you around the place. I was following the thread of folks who helped you get your -3 emp. I was trying to help, but coudln't figure out how to post. Best of luck to you on your -3.

All, thx for the responses on the est. build time for the tail. I am headed to the hardware on lunch to buy some better lighting for my shop. Tail kit, c'mon. :)
