
doug reeves: unfluencer
Staff member
Hi all,

Arrived no sweat and am now getting cleaned up at the hotel for this afternoon's 'Friday Sunset Social' at the ramp.

Here's a pic I took passing El Capitan a couple hours ago (below).

Ramp is filling up....Rosie inbound and Ironflight already on ground. Will have an update tonight and another sometime tommorrow.

Wish you were here!!!


Everyone at LOE have a fun and safe weekend! Wish I could have made it. Maybe next year!

This is my first LOE....

There are airplanes here! Bunches of them! And they all look gorgeous!

Cool fly-in, without a doubt....and I'm finally meeting all of these people and putting faces to the names I have read so often.

What is that?

Hi Pierre, It is a North American T-28C. The only problem is that every time it eats an RV, it's hungry again about an hour later!