
Well Known Member
Rarely do I see a paint scheme on an airplane, RV or otherwise, that I consider remarkable, or one I would want to emulate. An exception is the one a friend had done for his Ercoupe, but that really works only on an art-deco design like the Coupe.

So I'm thinking of using an asymmetrical paint scheme eventually for my 9-A. My reasoning is, first, traditional symmetrical schemes cut your "canvas" in half because they're repeated. Second, departing from the usual fuselage and wing lines opens up a lot more possibilities in design.

But I haven't seen any examples of asymmetrical aircraft painting. If you've seen some out there could you post or send a copy (my email is available on my profile).

RE: Paint Scheme

I saw this Nemisis NXT Relentless in the AOPA/Flying Mags.......What do you think.........:cool:

Frank @ 1L8 ....RV7A .... last 991 details.............


I followed your progress and thought your paint scheme was great..........Sure like those one of a kind.

Frank @ 1L8 ..... RV7A ..... last 991 details
I saw this Nemisis NXT Relentless in the AOPA/Flying Mags.......What do you think..........
Hmmmm....it's a good first step to what I have in mind. Fuselage still symmetrical. Overall it looks nice though.
Again, nice asymmetry on the wing, but doesn't follow through on the fuselage. Overall rather dark for my personal taste.

I'll try to make some simple designs and post in a bit...try to help the conversation continue.