
Well Known Member
Doubt there are many RVs with this display, but the Aspen Evolution electronic flight display just got hit with a tough A/D: use is restricted to day, vfr.
Ouch - that sounds like ADAHRS or electronic gyro problems, not sure what else would produce that.
If I read the Avweb article correctly, update the software to the latest version and the AD condition no longer exist, so off you go IFR.

I also agree that very, very few of these are installed in E-AB aircraft...
Aspen Owner, RV Builder Perspective

I have an Aspen PFD and MFD in my 172, installed in 2008. Admittedly that amounts to a $500 saddle on a $100 horse, but it has been a good family airplane with a lot of utility. They are good units, which I have operated in actual IFR on multiple trips to and from both coasts from home in Colo.

Aspen immediately notified its customers today of the AD, explaining the details. For the curious who don’t feel like wading through the entire AD text, here is my view.

The current AD has limited application, even in the certified world.

I would guess that of the few installed in EAB aircraft, most are legacy series Aspen units. The AD does not apply to legacy models at all, which are probably a majority out there in the certified world also.

The AD only applies to the “MAX” series, which have not been available for that long compared to legacy units like mine. With what is available to homebuilders, there is no reason to pay certified prices for an Aspen “MAX” unit, and Aspen has never marketed to the EAB world anyway.

Moreover the AD does not even apply to “MAX” units unless they have the specific software version installed. Even with the affected software if there are backup instruments, which is a common installation, the AD does not apply.

And compliance is just a simple, quick, and inexpensive (for the certified world-my dealer charges less than $100) software update, performed by a certified person with a logbook entry. I have had numerous optional software updates since 2008, and they have been flawlessly installed the first time, and more importantly, worked perfectly the first time. Since 2008 there has been one AD applicable to legacy units, in 2019, referred to in the previous post. It also only required a software update, but only if you had a specific software version installed, and even then only if you wanted to have ADSB-In data displayed on the Aspen screen.

Reading the stories on VAF of the problems with software updates on the G3X system, and thinking about the brand new dual G3X units sitting on my shelf awaiting installation in my RV-7 project awaiting software updates, I cringe. I am hoping my experience with them will be comparable to the reliability I have experienced with my Aspens.

Of course YMMV applies. But my personal experience makes me confident that I was not a beta tester for Aspen software updates.

Unquestionably the G3x’s are easier on aging eyes, so I am looking forward to flying with them.
Nice Post JB!


Great post! Stopped the hand wringing in its tracks! My 'legacy" ASPEN has been great, and as noted, not affected by this simple to fix AD!