
Well Known Member
Saw this at OSh and was really impressed. It is mostly geared to certified aircraft pilots as it will be fully TSO'd with an AML (approved model list) but represent the direction of the instrument market.

Pictured below are the EFD1000 MFD, EFD1000 Pro and EFD500 for $7,995, $9,995 and $4995 respectively.

The EFD1000 Pro includes the following:
Integral ADAHRS, backup battery and emergency GPS
Integral altitude alerter/pre-select
GPS flight plan map views: 360? & Arc
Full EHSI with dual bearing pointers
Dual GPS, dual VHF nav support
Autopilot & flight director integration
Integral GPS Steering
Base map with curved flight paths
(optional) Terrain, traffic, weather overlays


This is an exciting time for the EFIS market and I'm glad I waited to purchase my avionics.
I saw these on AvWeb and was interested. It's good to have another competitor in there, particularly focusing on the certified market. $30k for cheltons or the G600 is one thing, but $10k for a certified unit with a PDF and HSI is definitely going in the right direction.

As always, the proof will be in the pudding.

Agree. The $30K for the G600 is right but the certified Chelton is more like $60K before radios. It is the un-certified stuff that's $30K.

The Aspen guys say that the EFD1000 Pilot and Pro will ship in two months. We'll see, but these are former Eclipse Aviation engineers, developers of their proprietary Avio system. You can see the similarity in the symbology between Avio and the EFD system. As a result of their non-compete settlement, they have to pay a royalty to Eclipse for each of their AT300 Hazard Awarenes Display they ship.

Aspen EFD1000

I looked at the EFD1000 at Osh and instantly wanted one.

I worked in the LCD Display Technology team at Boeing that developed the EFIS displays for the Boeing 777. The guys that developed the EFD1000 know what they are doing, and incorporated many features that are not found in most GA EFIS systems, but that are found in Boeing EFIS systems:

1. Fully antialiased graphics. This is great since looking at creepy-crawly staircase artifacts on vector graphics really bugs me. Not many GA systems do this.

2. High frame rate. The dynamic symbology moves smoothly and does not jump or step like a low frame rate system. Combined with item 1. above this gives the illusion of smooth motion like you are used to seeing on a mechanical indicator.

3. Automatic brightness control. When done right, you can't tell its there or working, but you will always see the same apparent brightness as the backlight adjusts for the ambient lighting without having to adjust it manually.

4. LED backlighting. No cold temperature dimness or warm up time problems. Also, it is easier to dim down to very low brightness at night and won't flicker the way CCFL lamps will when you try to dim them. The long life is also a big benefit.

Dean_aeroleds said:
1. Fully antialiased graphics. ...
2. High frame rate. ...
3. Automatic brightness control. ...
4. LED backlighting.
All very encouraging. They seem to have good knobs and just enough smart buttons to work. All those buttons on the G1000? Yikes!
w1curtis said:
Agree. The $30K for the G600 is right but the certified Chelton is more like $60K before radios. It is the un-certified stuff that's $30K.

The Aspen guys say that the EFD1000 Pilot and Pro will ship in two months. We'll see, but these are former Eclipse Aviation engineers, developers of their proprietary Avio system. You can see the similarity in the symbology between Avio and the EFD system.
Wasn't the original Avio OEMed for Eclipse by Avidyne? The Avio looks a LOT like the Avidyne PFD used in Columbias and Cirri ... (photo of Avidyne PFD courtesy of Philip Greenspun)

Already Bought One

Rosie pointed out this thread to me....I had him drop by the booth at OSH early in the week. When I saw the concept online I was certain they would be mobbed the whole show. I got a complete demo at the booth and signed up immediately for one each PFD Pro. Hopefully I'll be able to get a pre-production unit before certification for eval as part of my flight test DER gig. Rosie lives right across the taxiway, I hope he can see and report on our install to the group.

BTW, it's going in an RV-M20J. :)

Norm Howell
Rosie's Test Pilot