
Well Known Member
Does anyone know where I can get a backup 2 1/4" ASI labeled with the operating range markings (i.e. green, white and yellow arcs)? I know that you can buy the stick-on decals from pretty much anywhere but I have also seen instruments that have been custom done using either silkscreening or dry transfer on the instrument face and it looks much nicer. Any information would be appreciated.


Darin Hawkes
Tis may not be what you want to do Darin, but I used the stick-on arc-shaped markings (I got them from a local instrument shop), took the glass off my 3-1.8" instrument, put the markings directly on the instrument dial, and re-assembled it. this is what the instrument shop said they would do if I brought it to them and paid for it to be marked....they encouraged me to do it myself.

ASI markings

Van's has 2 1/4 inch ASI marked for the various RV models. I bought one for my RV7a in the fall of 2006 from Van's online store.
Still there....

Van's has 2 1/4 inch ASI marked for the various RV models. I bought one for my RV7a in the fall of 2006 from Van's online store.

Still there... got one last month from Vans.

A UMA brand one marked for about $185..

gil A