
Well Known Member
The good news is that I appear to have a leak free pitot/static system, but the bad news is my ASI seems to have gone loco. When I pull some vacuum on my static line my VSI indicates a climb, my altimeter increases, but my ASI seems to go up way too much. By the time my altimeter reads 500 feet, I'm doing 100 knots!? I know that the ASI reads the difference between the pitot and static system, but this seems crazy. I feel like maybe my thinking is wrong here and would like to get set straight before I contact UMA and make a fool of myself. Help please.

Steve Zicree
Trying hard to build an RV4 from a pile of aluminum
Could i be any stupider, uh... i mean, more stupid?

Looks like I've answered my own question. If I actually took my plane to a field at 500 feet MSL, the static side would see a pressure decrease, but so would the pitot side. Since I'm only pulling on the static side, things go crazy. Seems pretty darn obvious now. Man, I really should've worn a better respirator when I built my tanks!

Steve Zicree