
Well Known Member
What are the transportation options to/from the airport to downtown Ashland hotels, restaurants, etc?
I haven’t been to S03 since pre-pandemic, so things may have changed. Back then:
Walking was an option if you had minimal bags. About 3.5 miles, some uphill.
Skinner aviation (FBO) could get you a rental car, advance notice required.
Taxi service was good, relatively inexpensive, except immediately after an evening play ended. Then you could expect a wait of up to an hour. Some of the outlying hotels ran a shuttle to the theaters, but, certainly, it was most convenient to stay downtown and walk to plays, restaurants.
Skinner Aviation now has a crew car on the field. Call them for details. They can also arrange with Enterprise Car Rental so you can rent if you will be here for more than a day.

Depending on your plans, there are a few options for food that are within walking distance. The Caldera Brewery is quite good, both the food and the beer. They make good burgers, usually have a fish dish or two - salmon and mahi - and good wood-fired pizzas. On the way to Caldera there is a mexican restaurant, El Paradiso. It has been a bit hit-or-miss in terms of quality and service in the past. I haven't been in there in a few years.

Downtown there are many options. Our favorites are Cocorico and Osteria La Briccola. Harvey's is pretty good too. There is a new Japanese restaurant we haven't tried yet that we want to visit. Most of these options are 5 miles away from the airport.

Thanks for the information!
We plan to stay for a couple days so will investigate the rental car avenue. Have driven to Ashland several times, therefore didn't pay too much attention to options for flying in. No way my wife would be able to walk from the airport to downtown.