
Well Known Member
My battery has just reached its five year replacement time. The part number of the battery is 131-0001. It is a 6V lithium. The places I usually order these kinds of components don't carry it. Has anyone found a good source for these batteries?
Radio Shack

I have found those 6V batteries at Radio Shack in the past. Take yours with you to be sure everything matches up, but I believe they will have one.
Our local Ace Hardware has them.

Also, check with a camera shop if there is one near you.
I have used Batteries Plus in the past when I needed something special. They will even build you a battery if need be. They built one up for my PLB at 1/4 the price the manufacturer wanted.
ELT Battery

FYI the PX28L 6V battery has a 10 year life (Lithium} where as the alkaline batteries have a 5 year life so change every 10 yrs rather than 5 years, ALSO NOTE that Van,s does not include a battery in the ELT shipment.Check yours for battery before installing the unit in the instrument panel.
Artex ELT Battery

The expiration date on the ELT is for the battery P/N 455-0012 in the ELT . I don't remember having to put a battery in the ELT remote switch but intend to check it at my upcoming condition inspection. My ELT battery sticker shows a July 2015 expiration date which is consistent with getting my avionics kit 5 + years ago. Bob Kibby N712BK
Here is a pic of the offending battery.;)