
Active Member
When I run the self-diagnostic test on the Artex 345 I get 5 blinks, indicating that it is not receiving a GPS signal. The GTN 650 is seeing 10 satellites. I put an oscilloscope on the input pin to the Artex and I'm seeing a signal, so I'm pretty confident the wiring is good. I have the GTN 650 configures to transmit Aviation Protocol 1.

Anyone have any idea what could be wrong?
Remember your Artex 345 had to be programmed to receive one particular RS232 serial data protocol. Make sure the programming of the ELT indeed matches that of the GPS, with Aviation Protocol, as well as having the correct speed (baud rate).
9600 baud is the speed. The protocols might not be matching.
A bit like saying send the morse code at 10 words per minute (sets the speed), but the guy is sending in French and you expected English. There are several different protocols (dialect, language) used for GPS data. The Garmin GPS supports a few different ones in the setup.
Just me

I had to move my digital source from the GDU460 to the GNX375 because of this. But first i checked with my ELT supplier to ask them what format it was programed in. In my case it was Aviation Format 1.
When I moved it to the GNX375, I also had to move other GNX375 ports around because only a few ports had the option of outputting aviation format 1. It was a bit of musical chairs.
9600 baud is the speed. The protocols might not be matching.
A bit like saying send the morse code at 10 words per minute (sets the speed), but the guy is sending in French and you expected English. There are several different protocols (dialect, language) used for GPS data. The Garmin GPS supports a few different ones in the setup.

If I remember correctly for the Artex, 9600 baud means it is expecting aviation format data and 2400 baud means it is expecting NMEA format data. Be sure your GPS is sending data in aviation format.
