
Well Known Member
What do all of these have in common? Milwaukee! Whoda thunk that the home of Harley, Miller and the Brewers would have one of the country's most beautiful art museums? Well, believe it!

I am lucky in that my teen age kids still like to hang out with me, and also like to fly in the the RV. Megan (maker of J-pole antennae) is an art and architecture buff and has long wanted to visit the Milwaukee Art Museum and the Calatrava designed bridge and pavillion. Today was the day. We planned the flight last night and departed KANE early.

Megan was up late at a school function so it was just me and ATC on the way down. Nice tail winds at 7500 feet and a smooth ride. A little over and hour and a half later, we were on the ground at Milwaukee Timmerman. We hopped a bus outside the gate and were at the foot of the bridge 40 minutes and $4 later.


This place is a photographer's dream, lots of interesting angles and interplay of light.


The "wings" of the pavillion are a sunshade for the pavillion, they open and close during the day - very cool. Here they are in the open position.


More in Part II.......
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Art, Architecture, and Beer? Part II

We spent a few hours walking the lakefront and the museum. It was a beautiful day with high skies and nice breeze - Just perfect. We grabbed some salads in the pavillion cafe with a great view of the lake.


My favorite piece in the collection.

Megan liked this one....


Soon, it was time to hop the bus back to Timmerman. One final look at the pavillion and it was time to go.


We found 9erPH waiting for us on the ramp. Gas at Timmerman was expensive( $5.52!!) , but we only burned 9 gallons on the flight down and the service was good. We launched, dialed up flight following and were on our way. 20-30kt headwinds and lots of bumps dampened the fun, but Megan still slept like a baby.....

Left home at 7:15 and back in the door by 6pm. Only in an RV! My wife tracked us at various times (not that she cares about me, but she does care about Megan)


We had a great time and a great day. Here are some more pics if you are interested.....
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Nice Photos Pete! Very interesting architecture. I'll have to stop by there on the way to/from OSH sometime.

Hi Pete -

Art, Architecture, and Aviation - in my case, never in moderation (except maybe the beer!).

I have visited a number of Calatrava's buildings in Spain - they are in a league of their own - the Bilbao airport terminal building is a must see for any pilot with an interest in Architecture!

Now I have got another building to add to my "must visit" list next time I am in the US.

Thanks for the photos.



Next time you visit your brother, you should bring Megan and visit Columbus, Indiana. The architecture is grand! See,_Indiana for some of the details. One item not mentioned there is the hospital (employer of my own personal CFO) which won the most recent Quest for Quality Award (out of 4300 hospitals) by the American Hospital Association. It is a thing of beauty. Heck, even the jail is cool. Anyway, another nice RV getaway.

Bob Kelly
Been There!

Hi Bob,

Megan and I flew in commerical (Pre RV) to see Columbus 4 years ago. It is just amazing! We will be back to see it again.

The churches, libraries, firehouses, schools are all done by world class architects. Columbus is a treasure.
Pete Megan would KILL you if she saw that pic on-line!!! :eek:

Great shots! Looks like a PERFECT destination on our RV tour in June!

- Peter