
VAF Moderator / Line Boy
It's the LITTLE things.....

I am getting very close to final close-out of the airplane - hoping to start the engine within a week. So I figured it was finally time to rivet down the floors (no, I don't want to debate that....). They've been in place for at least six months, I just felt that there was no need to pop those rivets until the last minute. So today, I crawled in with the rivet puller, and after popping in the first of what will be many, I see these four holes that didn't look right. "Oh yeah, those are for the bottom flange of the rear side panels..."

Hmm...I haven't had those panels in place for a long time - finished and painted them, and threw them in storage. But how are they supposed to fasten to the floor? When I had them mounted, they were just clecoed...

Damn! I forgot the nut plates!!! :mad:

So...pull out the seat ramp, the removable floor, the flap motor, flap torque tube bearings, the rear seat vent closeout...then lever the floorboards out and install those little things I have grown to hate so much, then I can start to put it back together. I decided it was better to quit for the day...

Such a pleasant misery...all for eight nutplates....

Paul Dye