Priceless Roberto! The look on her face is inspiring. I’ve just started flying with my grandkids (still pretty young), and they love it. Acro to come later when I get appropriately sized chutes (US), and I’m sure they are ready. For now, they all think flying is the greatest thing they have ever done. I let them control the airplane to a certain degree, and told them all that the first one to get a pilots license will be given my RV4. Gives me about 8 years to build something else.
Thank you! I always fly with a parachute in shows, training sessions and formations. I also wear a flame retardant suit. In these types of flights and with more than 600 hours of acrobatics experience in RV in this type of flights it would not be necessary, especially since there are not, or do not have, such small harnesses.

Priceless Roberto! The look on her face is inspiring. I’ve just started flying with my grandkids (still pretty young), and they love it. Acro to come later when I get appropriately sized chutes (US), and I’m sure they are ready. For now, they all think flying is the greatest thing they have ever done. I let them control the airplane to a certain degree, and told them all that the first one to get a pilots license will be given my RV4. Gives me about 8 years to build something else.
Thanks for the great video Roberto! Ella tiene la alegría pura en su cara!
Yep, not sure about a harness that would fit kids, or what they could do with it anyway, but flying with my grandkids is a joy that is the reason I fly. I flew with both of my local grandkids today - Labor Day here - and neither one of them stopped talking for the entire 30 minute fights. I wish I would have taken a selfie like you did..... maybe next time. Thanks for posting your video.