C. Brenden

Well Known Member
Yesterday I was working traffic in Southern NM when I got a hand off from another controller. It was an an Army aircraft headed to Payson AZ. I was a little confused because the Army doesn't normally fly there. My confusion was cleared up when the pilot checked on as RV123, VFR, 105, to Payson. The previous controller had thought the pilot said Army and not RV when he put in the VFR flight plan!
I have had that happen as well, which is why now I usually identify as "Experimental" on first call and then say my type. I flew half way from FL to NC once with them thinking I was Army - good thing they didn't let me into any Restricted areas.

I check in as "Romeo Victor 174MR" on initial contact. Seems to work well. I add the experimental on inital contact to ground control/tower. When I think of it I add "Call sign RV174MR" in the remarks section of the flight plan.