
Well Known Member
I remember a discussion a long time ago about arm rests getting bent, but I can't find it. Are any of you adding reinforcement to them to minimize the bending that seems inevitable?
Maybe my friends are too small (or I'm too directive when getting folks in/out), but 250 hrs - no bends on my non reinforced armrests.
James I added a piece of angle under mine. Do an advanced search, titles only, on "armrest", one word, you will find the threads.

I have handholds welded to the roll bar, so we don't end up pushing on the arm rest to get out.


My wife/cobuilder/aka Moonpie added 3/4" angle reinforcement under each armrest. Not flying yet, but hope it helps.
I did the angle reinforcement thing with 3/4 x 3/4 x 1/16 angle. Another option as I recall was to make a buttress that is almost parallel to the skin. Envision it riveted to the longeron or some other appropriate spot in the bottom corner next to the seat, and coming up to the INSIDE of the armrest. Basically this forms a triangle using the skin, armrest, and buttress piece. I recall that whoever suggested this used some 032 that was about 6 inches by 9 inches. Also necessary to put a small bend in the sheet, or rivet some stiffeners to it as well.

I did same as Jerry Thorn with addition of two braces per side at 90 degree to armrest riveted under and to outer skin. All will be covered with upholstry.
I know that sometime persons of high gravitational appeal will use armrests for exiting cabin.:p
I purchased duplicate armrests and plan on turning them upside down and joining the inside flanges with a piece of .032 about 1.25 in. wide. This approach also requires a second line of rivets in the side skin (about 2 in. below the existing line) but it forms a very rigid 'box'. The additional armrests attach to existing holes in the carry-thru (F704D) at the front and has the three rivet pattern at the rear (F705D). Plan is to flush rivet the two armrests and the strip of .032 before riveting the assembly to the side skin and bulkheads (won't have to use pulled rivets).

Fuselage in process.....
Try some leftover J channel maybe?

I am weight averse, so I was not going to use the 3/4" 6061 angle approach.

I chose to use some leftover J channel from the fuselage to create kind of a "C" section and add some "area moment of inertia" to the rest with the least weight I could. The caveat is that I am not flying yet, but it has worked well during seat session while I make motor noises :p
