
Well Known Member
I am thinking of flying to the Arlington fly-in next month and camp under the wing for a night, maybe two.

I don't know much about Arlington and am looking for some input (other than thier website). Is this a big enough event to justify camping out? I know this is really subjective so let me ask this another way. Is this event as big as Sun-N-Fun? Is this event bigger than Golden West? Thanks for all of your opinions.
Heck YEA

McFly said:
I am thinking of flying to the Arlington fly-in next month and camp under the wing for a night, maybe two.

I don't know much about Arlington and am looking for some input (other than their website). Is this a big enough event to justify camping out? I know this is really subjective so let me ask this another way. Is this event as big as Sun-N-Fun? Is this event bigger than Golden West? Thanks for all of your opinions.
Sure. They have showers (I think) and at night activities: dinners, dances, moves, night time balloon lighting and night airshow with some plane/glider/ultra light with fireworks on the wing tips going on. There is a restaurant nearby on the field (if its still open) and one across the street. There is a grocery store, but its a good walk, a very good walk. It is doable, but may be too far to carry a lot of heavy stuff back, with out a rolling cart.

It's very nice. Now its summer and who knows but the NW is known for two things. Mild temps year round and RAIN. This is a good time of the year, but it still can get Hot and it can RAIN. I think the average show time weather is better than Oshkosh, which can get very humid and stormy. You can camp right with your plane if you like.

As big as sun and fun? I have been to them all and I have a soft spot for Arlington because my plane was based there for years till I moved. Hummmm I think its got its own thing going. It has a nice selection of vendors, spruce, chief are there usually. Dynon will be there for sure because its in the back yard. There are tool guys there, some surplus and the usual suspects. It may be a smaller site, but I find it less dusty than other EAA/Experimental fly-ins.

The war bird turn out will be smaller. You will not see US official heavy iron. May be the local Air National Guard chopper will show up, but no thunderbirds or blue angles.

Nice antiques, bi-planes and gold age classics usually turn out. It all depends on the weather coming from the East and California to the show. Its a one day flight for most planes (even slow ones) from central Cali to Arlington or a super easy two 1/2-day flight. However you have to go over the in pass (Northern CA, South Oregon) and weather can block the VFR guys and the attendance.

The morning or late afternoon fly-outs & sight-seeing opportunities are great. The mountains or the san juan islands are fantastic and they are right there. A 30 min or hour flight you can see glacial covered peaks (over 10,000 ft). Mount Bakers has steem coming from its crater. Towards the water, a 30 min flight to see a pod of killer wales and eagles flying over the green san juan islands. Almost ever island has a runway and restaurant within walking distance. Friday harbor probably has the most commercial airport and down town. It's on the main island, San Juan. Its a nice easy flight from Arlington (20 miin). I like Orcus island as well, real low key.

There are many places to fly out and get dinner or breakfast. You can go to Boeing field and get food and see the museum of flight.

The Arlington pattern on Sat and Sun morning is crazy sometimes! Also after the show the departure line is long, which is kind of fun of you are on the ground and watching.

There is always a FAA temp "tower" there (trailer with a cover). Plenty of parking; experimentals get special parking. The RV's are the largest group to show up, so they have a large parking area and usually there are 20-30 or more there at one time.

Hey its a freaking airshow, how can that be bad. Oh yea the airshow is well varies. But frankly I like it low key and not all hyped up. There is more time for fly-bys and usually there are several Pro airshow acts doing the standard "wifferdales" in the sky and low altitude stuff.

I can't guarantee you will have great weather or have fun, but you make your own fun and take your chances with weather. Chances are WX will be workable. However be aware you can get the grey drizzle almost any time of the year in the NW, but this time of the year is probably the best WX time and least likely to run into weather issues. Once I recall in 10 years it was kind of rained out pretty much.
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good camping, just watch the weather

Last year was the first year of the last 4 that I didn't camp at Arlington with my son in our Cessna 140. Always had a good time and although we are living farther away now, will do it again at next opportunity (won't be this year). Always spent a lot of time in the RV area - plenty of campers there too.

They do have showers and at least in past years there has been free shuttle service available to take you into town and back for grocery or restaurant runs (check the schedules for last run back cuz it is a long walk...). They usually had an evening movie and plenty of other campers to visit with.

Go for it

WE have camped out at Arlington for the last 5 years. Its all grass and no dust (we are from AZ and the grass is a welcome change from our dust). The RV camping is located close to where the shuttle bus picks you up and right across from the nightly outdoor theatre. We would either walk to a restaurant (about 1 1/2 miles) or take the shuttle into town each night for dirrer. Its one of our favorite flyins and we usually try to combine it with other activities on the trip. ( Here is our trip report from last year ). We have had to deal with weather the last couple of years. Year before last, we gave up and got a hotel room as it was constant rain for several days. But when it is nice out, there is not a better place to be. White capped mountains and the ocean next to each other.
On your way check out Mt St Helen.

There is usually steam (or something) coming out of the crater. Checkout the growth of the lava dome in the middle of the crater.
There is usually a 5 mile no fly over the mounting, so check the NOTAM's and view it from the side.

Yes it is

and unlike OSH you get to camp with your airplane for free as your considered part of the show...Which of course you are you are...:)

Local here

I live here and think George summed it up pretty well. I usually go for the day in my spam can (RV4 still finishing) since it's only about 30 minutes from my home airport. Saturday and Sunday the RV parking area swells up. The weather can be spotty but statistically that is the weekend with the least chance of rain here. The air show is laid back but suitable for the event. The town of Arlington has a few nice restaurants and it is easy walking distance from the other side of the field opposite the EAA event. You could taxi your airplane over there and park in the massive free public tie-down ramp near the restaurant. The heart of central Arlington is about one mile from there through neighborhoods. No mosquitoes!!

Like the northwest in general, EAA in Arlington is laid back.


Brian Vickers, Bainbridge Island, WA
RV4 finishing

Come on up to Arlington! Weather? Current forecast is 20% chance of T-storms late Thursday, 20% all day Friday & Saturday, zero on Sunday. Highs in the 90's until the weekend when they are forecast to drop into the 70's. Lows in the mid 50's to low 60's. Probably a greater chance of rain at Oshkosh than Arlington this year.

Arlington is a great fly-in, maybe 10% as large as Oshkosh. I have never counted RV's, but would guess 50-100 in the RV parking area, plus a few that park elsewhere. Most of the important vendors will be there. There will be a lot of forums.

Yes, there are showers and you can camp by your plane.

Food on the field is so-so, depending on your preferences. If you go for burgers & deep fried food, you'll do OK. Breakfast is OK; I suggest you get a ride into town for dinner. If $ is an issue, there is a little (and I do mean little) Japanese place near the main intersection where you can eat for about $6.

If you are military, you can stay at the Navy Lodge, but you'll need a ride because it is about 5 miles away.

Come on up. You'll have a great time!

Richard Scott
Looks like I'm going

I'm on call for work this week but a colleague looks like he is going to cover form me on friday afternoon and saturday.

Looks like I'm coming up!

Hope I don't have to use my IFR rating...But then again, thats what its for..:)

Frank 7a Corvallis, OR
OK, I'm in

You guys talked me into it.

I'll be driving the naked RV-7 with the small rudder and the ....ahem ... red duct tape for the wing walks :eek: Stop by and say "Hello".
McFly said:
You guys talked me into it.

I'll be driving the naked RV-7 with the small rudder and the ....ahem ... red duct tape for the wing walks :eek: Stop by and say "Hello".

Hey at least you're flying!

I'll be driving from Montana. I'll be easy to spot, I'll be the one taking pictures of everything RV and have the big drool spot on my shirt. We'll be there, Thurs-Sat.
Ill make sure i get RV parking

with my Sam James cowl I often get mistaken for a Lanceair.

Mind you if my prop extension falls off I might not make it at all....:)


7a blue and white, N484H...its looks fast cus it is...:)