
Well Known Member
So I mis-measured and drilled one of the 5/8 holes in my carrythrough in the wrong place! It's the hole on the left side of the aft carry-through section that electrical wiring/manual trim cable is supposed to pass through. The hole is 1/4" too high. Because it's such a big hole a new hole in the correct location won't work... will overlap the old hole.

For electrical wiring, I figure no big deal.. the wires will just bend slightly as the pass through from the hole in the forward part of the bulkhead to the offset hole in the rear part. But for manual trim cable, this could be problematic. Now, my question - do they mean cable for manual elevator trim, or manual aileron trim? I'm going with electric trim for elevators and manual trim for ailerons, so I hope they are referring to manual elevator trim cable with this hole i bungled.

Manual roll trim should not pass through the rear spar carry through.
phew... so i should be OK. Any other problems this mal-positioned hole could cause me? Unfortunately these center sections are match-drilled with the wing spar, so not easily replaceable!
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prkaye said:
phew... so i should be OK. Any other problems this mal-positioned hole could cause me? Unfortunately these center sections are match-drilled with the wing spar, so not easily replaceable!

Only that it will be a little more frustrating routing wires from the front to the back since the two holes wont be aligned.