Now that some of the SB repair reports are coming in are you thinking about rebuilding your HS instead of repairing?

Given the number of hours for a repair and the number of potentially damaged holes, I hate the idea of attaching this to my new airplane. Now that I know how to build the HS, it seems like a very good option to just build a fresh one.


And yes, I know it's a SB and I don't have to do anything but inspect.
Not me

I want to fly. Will bolt it on and inspect per the SB. Actually, will no doubt inspect more often.


FOR ME....I think it only makes sense to do the HS service bulletin ?pre-emptively? for a few reasons : (1.) go ahead and drill out the rivets and do the service bulletin, and if by some chance, you make a bad "drill-out" mistake, then you rebuild the HS now instead of later. (2.) Your drilling and riveting skills are currently at their peak - so now is the time to use those skills. (3.) There is no paint (on mine) to have to re-do. (4.) Then the SB is ?done?, no more inspection, worry, re-sale value, etc.

Again, Just my opinion?but I have ordered the HS SB to ship with my fuselage in a few weeks and I will complete the HS SB at my leisure before final assembly. Maybe if I was closer to flying I would have a different attitude :D

+1 with Izzybear

Just got the SB parts in the post office completed HS is hanging on the wall....will pull it down and do the mod when i get the hankerin....not a great rush!:rolleyes: I am NOT going to rebuild the whole HS unless i mess up the fix....if i am not satisfied with my SB work...then I will consider building whatever I have to in order to have 100% confidence in the HS:)
My question for that is...

Is Van's redoing the design or including the SB kit with all new EMP kits?

If they are not then why would you rebuild yours?
I am going to ... as it is not drilled to the fuse yet, I figure it's best to do it now. Not super excited about drilling all those rivets though!

I just ordered the kit today ... 15 bucks!?!?! Can you believe that? Way to go Van's ... a SB completion kit in the certified world would never be priced so fairly!
I feel fortunate to have acquired an incomplete RV6 kit last month with only the HS front and rear spar riveted up with the remainder of the HS skeleton completed but not yet riveted, and of course no skins. Because the original builder did not build the HS 610 and 614 front spar angle's per plans (24" instead of 16 1/4) I plan to simply rebuild the front spar with new components and drop in the SB parts at the same time.
I feel fortunate to have acquired an incomplete RV6 kit last month with only the HS front and rear spar riveted up with the remainder of the HS skeleton completed but not yet riveted, and of course no skins. Because the original builder did not build the HS 610 and 614 front spar angle's per plans (24" instead of 16 1/4) I plan to simply rebuild the front spar with new components and drop in the SB parts at the same time.

That is a good idea to replace HS-714 and HS-710 (for the 7) while doing the mod if you did not already drill it to the fuse. But for me I reused mine for the SB, already drilled it to the fuse. :rolleyes:

Yes I will be carrying out the SB before installing HS. Luckily I made a second HS, and it was at the dimpling/priming stage when the SB came out! So no deconstruction for me.
HS SB Repair Parts

+1 for the HS reinforcement. I received the components today in the mail. The HS was opened up last weekend. So far the rework has not been too bad. You just have to be a little creative in getting out the old rivets.

Do it now

Installing the SB is not that bad. A large part of it for a flying airplane is the requirement to disassemble and reassemble your completed and painted aircraft.

It's funny how you can get out of the "Building Mind Set". After assembling and disassembling your baby countless times during construction, you start flying, and you don't even want to take the cowling off!

As I started my SB, I found that my once sharp riveting skills were pretty rusty. Add to that, the fact that I had to drill off my rivet heads, and drive out the shanks from the front side of the spar where space was limited, I had to sharpen my skill quickly!

If you are still building, do the SB. It will just add a day or so to your total building time.
I have the completed HS sitting in storage, but I am leaning towards just building a new one. I'm figuring 10 hours over the SB repair approach and far fewer drilled out and potentially larger holes.

Plus the workmanship will be a lot better.
There has been much discussion about this and I have had some good chat with guys from Van's.


You build a new HS with all the reinforcement included.


If you have already mated it to the fuselage, it becomes pay attention time, however it isn't very onerous.
Make up some reference bullets and use them to relocate the drill points in the 'new' HS.

Quite frankly, I think the building of a new HS and referencing the existing holes leaves me feeling a whole bunch happier than drilling out dozens of rivets and lets face it, it may be one of the last rivets that doesn't come out clean and you think - Oh Poo !

I'm going to order a new HS in Spring - our 8 is 75% though and I have loads of stuff to do before I get excited about bolting the empennage on finally.

Besides, a new HS takes a weekend.