
Well Known Member
Since those of us still using Ellison's are without factory support these days, I've offered to be the repository of information Ellison related and try to contact the last owner - I believe his name is Steve Glover at Chino Airport - and see if he will share information with me/us.

If you currently have an Ellison TBI and want to be part of an email support group I'm starting please contact me at [email protected] and I'll add your name to the list. If you have any information regarding the Ellison's that is not common knowledge and would like to share that with me as well, that would be awesome. I put 500 hours of trouble-free flight on my Ellison equipped RV3 and am currently installing a NOS 4-5 in a biplane I'm building.

Robert Marshall

I also put a message to Steve Glover in the hopes the company might be for sale but didn't hear anything back from him. Don't know if he is well or not, since he seems to have fallen off the face of the Earth.

I'd be up for an Ellison group to help each other. I'll send an email to you.


Tommy Palmer
I have an Ellison TBI on my new (to me) RV6 and I would be interested in becoming part of a support group.
I have tried several times the past two months to contact Steve Glover via phone and email, but get no response.

Send me an email and I'll add you to the group, we are approaching 10 peeps already. I have some customers over at Chino airport, I'll put the word out to see if someone there knows how to get a hold of Steve.

Thanks guys,
[email protected]
Me too

Email Sent


Since those of us still using Ellison's are without factory support these days, I've offered to be the repository of information Ellison related and try to contact the last owner - I believe his name is Steve Glover at Chino Airport - and see if he will share information with me/us.

If you currently have an Ellison TBI and want to be part of an email support group I'm starting please contact me at [email protected] and I'll add your name to the list. If you have any information regarding the Ellison's that is not common knowledge and would like to share that with me as well, that would be awesome. I put 500 hours of trouble-free flight on my Ellison equipped RV3 and am currently installing a NOS 4-5 in a biplane I'm building.

Robert Marshall
Ellison TBI

I have an RV 6 with an Ellison TBI. I much prefer the more even fuel distribution to a carburetor. I sent you and email.
Got it and responded back.

Trying to make contact with the owner of Ellison now. Everyone that sent me an email can expect a "Group" email from me sometime next week and we can let this thread die.

Thanks to the VAF mods for letting this thread run its course. Got about a dozen RV Flyers with Ellison's that may end up getting some support but if not, we will at least be able to discuss issues amongst ourselves.