
Well Known Member
I do not own an RV nor do I fly one. Never played an RV pilot on TV nor did I stay at a Holiday Inn Express last night.

I think RVs are marvelous high quality machines. I love to see them talk about them and ride in them.

I do own and fly an F1 Rocket which I consider a derivative of an RV 4 as I do the Harmon Rockets.

I note many Rocket drivers on this site. I suspect that they, as I, derive a great deal of info and knowledge relevant to our planes. Our planes are few and RVs (which I consider our 1st cousins) are many. There are few Rocket forums for us to share and glean info from.

I have e mailed Doug more than once to see if we could have a Rocket section within this forum and recieved no answer. I assumed this is because he is quite busy.

Recently however I have picked up an anti rocket comment or two on this forum and gotten into an out and out snit with a fella on the Matronics RV list in which he suggested I should stick to the Rocket list.

I really have learned a lot on these forums and I guess my question is as a group do you prefer Rocket Jocks go elswhere?
N395V said:
Recently however I have picked up an anti rocket comment or two on this forum and gotten into an out and out snit with a fella on the Matronics RV list in which he suggested I should stick to the Rocket list.

Dude...you should try building a tri-gear. :D :D

All joking aside. I for one welcome Rocket drivers here. As long as the tone is civil and respectful I don't see any reason to exclude anyone with a general interest in RV's.
Rocket pilots

I for one would like any Rocket pilots
and builders to stay. Maybe I can learn
the difference between the F-1, Rocket, etc.
I belong to the Ohio Valley RVators and
we have two F-1 (Rockets?) being built that I know.
Both builders have completed one or more RVs
before starting on their current projects.
My Vote - Don't you DARE leave!

Hey, we all learn from everyone - even (or especially?) from those with whom we disagree!

And please, that does not mean I think we disagree with Rocket Pilots! It's just a philosophical point...:p

Personally, I would welcome some experienced plastic airplane builders to join in and give us amatuers some advice on our fiberglass problems!

I would even bet that a huge number of folks that read this site every day aren't building or flying anything....yet....but maybe, with the right encouragement, they'll build as well. Then we can all sneak up on those Cessna drivers and overwhelm them with OUR numbers!

Life is way to short to be exclusive. I'll fraternize with anyone willing to go aloft in a machine they built with their own two hands..... :D

25 -year SPAM Can Driver
1 1/2 - year RV-8 Builder
4 Month (90 hour) - RV-8 Pilot!
Rocket Man!

I also welcome you to the forum here. As an -8 builder, I am keenly aware of the similarities between the 8s and the F1s. There is an aweful lot of information here that can be shared by all builders that have definite crossover applications, such as fiberglass, paint/primer, wiring, etc.. Besides. we are all driven to building airplanes in our garages/workshops, and THAT is the real bond that we all share!

While I really like the looks and functionality of the RV-8, Those F1s look like they are going 1000mph just sitting on the ramp! They look way cool!!!

So welcome aboard, make yourself at home, and send pics :D !!

-8 wings
Gee, someone on the Matronics list getting snitty? Why, I can't imagine such a thing. Do a matronics list search on 'svanarts' sometime and see the snit I got into. That's why many of us came here. I'd say stay unless DR asks you to leave. If he does, let me know, I'll go too.
N395V said:
I really have learned a lot on these forums and I guess my question is as a group do you prefer Rocket Jocks go elswhere?

We'd kick you out if we could catch you, but you guys just go to darn fast :rolleyes:

This brings up a funny point: In a world of 5 billion people and only 4000 RV's flying, it's hillarious how Vans has somehow become "the establishment" and something to rebel again. LOL.

Basically, anyone who's willing to strap his butt into a hunk a metal or fiberglass that he built in his garage, and go flying around in it, is OK by me.... :D

even if you build a tricycle gear or fly a Rocket...
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Boy, I put the laptop down for 1hr and I miss a bunch!

Milt, absolutely Rocket people are welcome here. The only 'rule' is keep it civil. If you'd like I'll create a dedicated forum called 'Rocket'. I could put it in the section with the other model-specific areas. In the description I'll put 'close enough'. Might help with those aspects unique to the design.

I don't know much about them, so I'm sure I'd benefit from it.

OK, I'm going to bed. Everyone stop typing for 8hrs :) .

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you can stay but you're restricted to 22 " MP. :eek:


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We all loved airplanes long before we even heard of an RV. Stay and join in the fun. I second svanarts' comments -- too many grumpy old men on certain other lists. :p
Rockets and RV's

WE are all here for the betterment and knowledge that can be gained by working together. Don't leave because somebody sat on their joystick.

Nuff said.

Dave Nellis
Rocket guys are more than welcome. Just promise not to talk about speed or rate of climb. Discussions on fuel burn at 75% power are OK. We're OK if you complain about the cost of quickbuild kits too :)

The Matronics lists have a lot of people on them. Most of thtem are very good people, but there are a very small, but vocal bunch of guys who put things in e-mail messages that they would never think of saying in person. You need to have a thick skin sometimes and just ignore them.
Anybody with an interest in aircraft of any kind are welcome here. I'm glad to see Doug is granting Rockets a berth on the site. Welcome aboard.

We love Rockets!!

Don't even THINK of leaving! I go to Rocket sites at every opportunity I get and salivate! I'm a 16000 hour cropduster with all the ratings except ATP and I gave a 7000 hour ag pilot a ride yesterday..........man was he thrilled and he flies an Airtractor 602 (PT6, 1100 HP) for a living and I fly a 502. I would absolutely love to strap on a Rocket and 'have a go'. What's the chance of a ride? I'll reciprocate either in my 502 or the RV6A,
Pierre Smith (2J3, Georgia)
Now are you happy

N395V said:
I do not own an RV nor do I fly one. Never played an RV pilot on TV nor did I stay at a Holiday Inn Express last night.

I think RVs are marvelous high quality machines. I love to see them talk about them and ride in them.

I do own and fly an F1 Rocket which I consider a derivative of an RV 4 as I do the Harmon Rockets. Milt
Milt think you might be too sensitive; There may be a few sour grapes, but most recognize that the Rocket is a RV-4 derivative. As far as comments, Rocketeers can dish it out as well as any. :D

Now that you have your own category, please don't be a stranger; please post and give your insight to use lowly RV'ers in any forum categories you like. Rocket builders have some great stuff to contribute to all and hate to loose that. I also enjoy the bragging the Rocket guys do, and well they should be proud of such a nice plane. Fly safe. George
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go away

I fly a 9A and have the opportunity to fly to work a couple of times per week. My office is located on the airport, one hour drive by car. Inevitably when I walk my coworkers out to show off my plane, this Rocket Guy is taking off. Immediately, the attention goes from my 9A to "what the hell is that plane that is taking off vertical over there and why didn't you build one of those??" I just lower my head and go back to work. :D :D :D Just kidding, stay around. There have been quite a few rocket related posts that are very helpful to RV construction. take care.
I LOVE ROCKETS!!! please stay, i've always enjoyed the friendly camaraderie with the rocket guys. stay!

glad to see the new 'rocket' area. :)

RV's and Rockets are clearly "family". In any family, there can be some oocasional bickering at the dinner table. Thick skin is an asset. Glad you're with us.

p.s. those of us with "The Modern Design" won't hold that silly tailwheel-doohickey against you. ;)
Just a clarification.

Never thought Doug was anything other than a great guy just figured real busy working, flying and keeping a bulletin board up to date.

Don't really have a thin skin just the stuff on the other site made me wonder if we were contributing here, being tolerated, or if we were annoying ya'll.
The group hug is overwhelming now I'll really be embarrased if no one uses the rocket section

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Group hug

Milt said:
The group hug is overwhelming now I'll really be embarrased if no one uses the rocket section
Well, it was a conditional hug. You can't brag too much about your amazing climb performance. Also, no hoarding great tips from the Rocket side of the house. Lob 'em over. :)
Rocket Drivers

Stick around....the more the merrier! There's this gorgeous all red Rocket based here in Lansing, IL.....don't know who the owner is, but for moment I thought it was an RV-4 cause of the gear. That thing is slicker than snot on a doorknob! :eek: :D
Lets get your input.

As an RV-4 builder I look to Rocket and other builders as I do other RV-4 builders for their insight and knowledge. I would be happy to gain from your experiences as you do from ours.
Well, I better exercise my jaw bone just in case I need room for a foot or two. Maybe there should be a test to meet in order to stay. Maybe you shouldn't be welcome if 1. Pro Seal doesn't stick to you, and 2. You never mess up a rivet.

Kidding aside, in the mid 80's I built a dragonfly (plastic airplane). I also helped most of 5 RV-4 builders in the area I lived, to one extent or another. They were all courteous to me in spite of the fact that I built my plane in a quarter to half the time it took them. Now I own an RV-4.

I say welcome. What you drive is much less important than attitude. I used to own Subway resturants and said that I could teach anyone to make a sandwich, but couldn't teach anyone to have a good attitude. Either they've got it or they don't. Well, I was wrong. I actually found a couple of people that I couldn't teach to make a sandwich.

I second all the prior comments. In all families there may be diversity, but there is no reason for disrespect. Seems that most of us here are related in the fact that we all have this infectous bug. A bug to put things together that takes us above gound level.

I hope that my comments here and in the past have been helpful and certainly your experiences and direct help to me has been appreciated. Again, welcome aboard.
I've been a lurker to this site for nearly a year and this thread finally convinced me to join. I too am building an "other than an RV airplane". However I do come to this site often and have picked up lots of great building tips that have helped me. It's also a great site for finding vendors.

Keep up the good work Doug and gang.:)
welcome- I am one off the guys that made a funny remark for a rocket in one off the treads, meant in friendly atmosphere,rockets are essentally RV on stereoids!!!! maybe some day I will be rich enough to build one?????

J?rn M?ller
RV8 203 hours