
Well Known Member
Are Van's altimeters (e.g. IF BG-3B) Falcons? Just curious, because ACS has the Falcon altimeters for $229. Van's charges $249 but doesn't list the manufacturer. Is there any difference?

Yes, but do your self a favor and get a tso'd altimeter. I went through two of Van's in a little over a year. Both failed in the same manner. Indicated altitude setting on the ground gradually increased over a several day span to in excess of 10k feet. You will pay more up front, but will have a much more reliable altimeter.
Same results as 9driver! 1st one lasted about 6 months and already adjusted the 2nd one twice! I fly VFR only and my GPS has always been good so I am just living with it for now. I will go TSO for the next one!
Thanks for the replies. Re: the quality of the Falcon altimeter, there was a pretty good thread on it in the past, with some indicating really good experiences and some bad experiences. My use for it is merely as a backup to my Dynon, so I would likely have plenty of opportunity to check its relative accuracy before the day that I actually need it to be accurate.