
Well Known Member
I've begun having issues with VOR reception with my Archer antenna. An interesting observation is that it receives localizer signals just fine but no luck on VOR signals.

I've tested the unit with my avionics tech and an exterior transmission box and both VOR and Localizer/glideslope work fine. I've tried receiving several VORs in my area from flight at a distance of within 5 miles and had no luck receiving. We have tested the Coax runs and nothing is shorting out. The antenna connections are all secure and the antenna appears to be in good condition.

It has been working flawlessly for two years up until recently.

I use a 430W as the nav head. I suppose it's possible the 430 is having issues, any thoughts?

As always, thanks for the valuable input.
We have tested the Coax runs and nothing is shorting out. The antenna connections are all secure and the antenna appears to be in good condition.


It has been working flawlessly for two years up until recently.


I suppose it's possible the 430 is having issues

Methinks you may have already answered your own question.
Check to ensure it is still grounded to the wing well.

I was just using mine this morning to receive VOR's at 80+ miles @ 3500ft and it worked really well.
Heat Shield

I was able to pick up VOR/LOC great but the Glide Slope was erratic. After speaking with Bob Archer twice, swapping SL30's, swapping EFIS, etc,etc I had no luck. I then removed the aluminum foil that Vans recommends for landing light heat shield it has worked great. :confused: