
Well Known Member
I?m working on my second build, a few years from finishing:(, and I?m wondering if I should install my APRS tracker in this plane, or would it be redundant now with the advent of ADS-B in/out.

I?m working on my second build, a few years from finishing:(, and I?m wondering if I should install my APRS tracker in this plane, or would it be redundant now with the advent of ADS-B in/out.


I have both and are used to fulfill different requirements. We don't have access to ADSB history. With APRS you can look at historical tracks online. While most of the mapping is delayed, you can point others to the site to follow your flight. If you go missing, others can use APRS to find your location. Only the FAA can use the ADSB data.

This may change as some of the other tacking sites start to get more consistent ADSB data. The sites that I'm aware of are only showing IFR traffic. Some sites used to show VFR flight plans, but it appears that traffic may have recently stopped being provided by the FAA.