
Well Known Member
Using aluminum tube from the pitot (dynamic and AoA) to the wing root on a Rocket wing. Pretty much have to because of the convoluted path from pitot to tank flange. I don't like idea of the weight of a coupling in lines where the nearest support is the pitot braze itself. Anyone ever couple Al to Al tubing using Polyflow tubing? There is a few thousands interference fit between 3/16 Al and 1/4 Poly. The smallest amount of heat will allow insertion. I'm very comfortable that it won't leak or require minimal sealant, if any. My Mooney transitioned from Al to Poly and secured with a single Corbin clamp. The aluminum sheet banding and safety wire probably aren't needed but easy and light enough. Comments?
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Steinair has a reduction fitting where you can attatch 1/4 poly tube to pitot aluminum line.

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I have done poly to alum as you mentioned then added a bit of heatshrink over the connection as extra.
I've repaired plenty leaky static systems when the poly/nylo tubing has been heated and stretched over a fitting/tube/tee, it will eventually crack (the way Van's used to recommend).