
Active Member

I am finishing up the wiring behind the panel, and have the Approach FastStack Pro-G hub, to simplify my process. I'm trying to add my Dynon SV261, and noticed that the wire bundle/harness for the SC261 is $149..................... For the 2 wires that come out of the transponder.

My question: does anyone here have the transponder cable, and willing to let me know which ports in the DB25 connector the 2 wires need to go into, on the hub end?

Yeah, that's the diagram I've been looking at. I'm wondering if I could gently cut into the Approach wiring harness and splice into the wires that go into pins 3 and 4.......
I would assume that you also have this document.
I would think you want to wire the transponder to the transponder connection on the hub and then the hub would route the signal to the Dynon screen. Approach would have to help you determine which pin the transponder serial connections need to go to. The transponder connections pins 21-24 go to Display 1, but it doesn't look like there are any connections to Display 2.
The Dynon xpndr can be connected to any one of the available serial ports on the skyview. I think there are like 5 total. The pins assigned to in/out of each port are labeled in the document linked above. Your install could be as easy as picking a port, crimping on some pins, and plugging the wires directly into the large d-sub connector that goes into the dynon screen. My guess is, though, that the Approach cable you have already has filled all of those slots and you aren?t sure which ones to unplug? If that?s the case, you could go into the dynon setup menu and see what items are on which serial ports to reveal the open port. get a pin removal tool and pull out those two wires then you can crimp and plug the xpndr wires back in. I don?t know if you have two screens, but Dynon suggests running serial connections to both in parallel. This only takes care of the serial side of things and not the power connection. not sure if the approach unit handles that too, but that?s easy enough.
Yes, I was referencing that document as well, but can't figure it out. On the Dynon diagram, there are only 2 wires going out from the transponder and into the display. I can't imagine Approach would pull more lines than that. Further more, on the SkyView display wire harness, it does not plug into Display 1.......... The line into the hub plugs into GPS I/O, and then directly into the SkyView display. If it was supposed to simplify things, pressing the "I believe button" and not try to figure out the "how" behind the scenes seems to be what I need to do.

My brain hurts. I just want to simplify the transponder wiring ha.
Tim Haas at Approach Faststack is the best

I have dealt with Tim Haas at Approach for several years and he is top drawer. He has never failed to take care of me. Stein is also a great guy, but I have been well served by Tim.