
Well Known Member
I'm trying to develop a checklist for the transiton from enroute to approach. Interesting I cannot find one in the more common IFR texts. What are people using? I'm most interested in the order of setting up everything and any memory aids. Thanks!
The Five "A"s

I use and teach the five "A"s:

ATIS: Get the weather conditions, and the runway/approach in use.

ALTIMETER: Set it (reference ATIS above)

APPROACH: Find it, review it, get it ready

AVIONICS: Set them up for the approach, including the flip-flops on your radio for Nav and Comm

AIRSPEED: Slow to you approach airspeed at least three minutes prior to your IAF, if you can.

We normally use one of two options:


Weather - Get ATIS
Radios - Set, Tune, and I.D.
Instruments - Set DG and Altimeter
Minimums - Review Approach Mins.
Time - Find Time to MAP
Missed - Review Missed Approach Procedures
Stuff - GUMPS and Approach Brief



Configure - Aircraft
Tune - Radios and I.D.
Brief Approach

In more recent times I see a lot of people using the briefing strip on an approach plate to set up for the approach, though.