Joe Parish

Well Known Member
I am working on completing the airworthiness paper work and have a question. I bought the EAA step by step certification guide but still have a question.

On the application for U.S. Airworthiness Certificate(form 8130-6) in section 3. Owners Certification there is a box titled Airworthiness Directives and in the EAA guide it says "enter current AD revision number. The link to the FAA biweekly AD website is listed at the bottom of the page." The rest of their example shows it for a experimental amateur built aircraft. I would think I would put N/A in that box but the EAA example shows it differently. Thanks for any help Joe
Joe, I am working on my certification too. It if full of things that are not very clear - at least to me. I applied to FAA about 5 weeks ago for my registration, but have not received it yet. I did get a tax bill from Idaho so I at least know things are in the works.

This is the "not fun" part of the build for me! Good luck. Maybe we can help each other out!!
My FAA FSDO inspector lady wanted the same thing you reference from the EAA guide.

It was not really a big deal to check, and any applicable ADs probably should be taken care of anyway...:)