Steve Ashby

Well Known Member
My Skyhawk's Apollo GX55 GPS has screen cancer that slowly progressing to the point that I will not be able to read it soon. Does anyone out there know if someone sells a replacement screen?
My Skyhawk's Apollo GX55 GPS has screen cancer that slowly progressing to the point that I will not be able to read it soon. Does anyone out there know if someone sells a replacement screen?

Steve, it's my understanding that the supply of replacement screens dried up some time ago.

We have a GX60, and its a great little radio, but we've already replaced the display once (back when Garmin still had stock) and I'm told they are no longer repairable.

I's like to think there are enough of these out there that an opportunity exists for somebody to engineer a replacement but I don't know enough about how it works to say if that's even possible.

I also talked to an avionics guy about using it as a remote comm since the Comm side is basically the same as an SL30 and that can be driven over a serial line. The board apparently doesn't have the serial bus connections.
Comm Idea

I also talked to an avionics guy about using it as a remote comm since the Comm side is basically the same as an SL30 and that can be driven over a serial line. The board apparently doesn't have the serial bus connections.

Excellent Idea! Something is better than nothing, The SL40 is a great comm.
Sorry, but the GX55 is a gps only. It has no com.

It has a serial out that can be used to drive a moving map. I don't know know it it can accept serial in to control it though. I suspect you could get the NMEA stream out to run another display, but there are any number of sub $50 WAAS solutions for that if you don't need TSO.

It might be time to let it go over the rainbow bridge...
My Skyhawk's Apollo GX55 GPS has screen cancer that slowly progressing to the point that I will not be able to read it soon. Does anyone out there know if someone sells a replacement screen?

Had an issue with intermittent missing pixels on my GX60 display a couple of years ago and replacement screens were not available. The guys in the Garmin AT shop said that it may be the driver board and if it is would be repaired at the standard flat rate fee. IF it was not the driver and they could not fix it, I would not have to pay the flat rate fee.
I think James might be right

It's time to blow taps and let my little buddy go to gps heaven. I wonder how much it would take to install a used 430W in the stack?
buy a used unit

If you find any of the GX-50/55/60/65 series GPS's on the used market it is easy to swap the screen from one to the other. They pop up for sale quite often on these forums sometimes for well under $1000.
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I have a gx55 that I have had on the shelf for a few years pulled it out of the bonanza when installed a Garmin 430w. It was working fine and the screen was good. Mike
Do you still have the gx55

I have a gx55 that I have had on the shelf for a few years pulled it out of the bonanza when installed a Garmin 430w. It was working fine and the screen was good. Mike

Do you still have the gx55 ?
I am interested
Doe the screen have any missing pixels?