
Well Known Member
AOPA is circulating a petition against User Fees; you can sign it online at the following link:


I urge all pilots to sign the petition. This is a great first step for us as pilots in the fight against user fees. I also encourage you to write your Senators and your local House Representatives as well. If we as GA pilots do not stand up and make our voices heard we will slowly but surely be forced out of the skys. The airlines are working aggressively to convince not only Congress but the non-flying public that we GA pilots are free loaders who are clogging the airways. We need to work twice as hard as them if we want to maintain our rights to the sky.
Support AOPA and EAA

I too think that we as GA pilots are under attack from several different angles. I was in a non-aviation related forum recently and the general mindset was that GA exists for the benefit of "rich hobbyist". We need AOPA and EAA to do battle against this sort of uneducated voter.

I hope all VAF users/visitors sign this petition and support at least one major aviation association.

I signed the AOPA board at SnF and had my picture taken at OSH for the same reason.

Just say NO to user fees!

:mad: CJ