
Well Known Member
I typically check the AOPA web site once a day. I found an article on the RV-12 there today. Figured that all the RV-12 builders at VAF would want to read it so here is your link to the article and video. Enjoy.

(I see MEMBER in the URL so it looks like you need to be an AOPA member to view it)
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My AOPA magazine arrived a couple of days ago. In the article, the author states that no deburring is required!

??? True, or False?
Larry, I just read the RV12 article in AOPA magazine, and I agree with your deburring comments esp. on the skins. The edges would be pretty rough w/o it.

I flew with Mitch in this 12 at Sebring in January, and it is a very nicely built 12. I wonder a bit about the full flap stalls at 40kts while clean is at 42. Mine stalls at the same flaps up speed, but with full flaps it is in the low 30's.
Dick Seiders 120093
Upon Re-Reading.........

The author was talking about not needing to deburr the pre-punched holes. No mention of the edges.

Still wondering, is it true that on an RV-12 you don't need to drill and deburr the holes? They are ready-to-go???
There have been some mixed opinions on whether the holes need to be deburred but they do have a rough edge on one side as you would expect for something that has been punched. I deburred all of mine on the one side and think it would be unwise not to do so.

Hey Pete

Van's said it was not necessary to debur the punched holes. You certainly can. I don't know anyone who did. Will add a fair number of hours to do, but do what you feel comfortable with.

John Bender

I was told by Van's that it would be wise to debur them when I asked the question. Hence, my comment about mixed opinions on this.

A deburring bit in an electric screwdriver makes it a pretty easy job. I would guess it added no more than 10 hours to the entire project- wings certainly being the worst!

And the Debate Goes on!

De-burring Yes, No, Yes, No.
Priming, Yes, No, Yes, No.
Paint or Polish, Yes, No, Yes. No.
E-LSA vs EAB, Yes, No, Yes. No.
Pop Rivets Vs Flush Rivets, Yes, No, Yes, No.
And So on And So on, Etc, Etc, Etc.:rolleyes:

RV12 N1212K
Guess no one is interested in the stall speed. De burring is important for sure, but when you start flying stall speed is a consideration as well. An otherwise nice article in AOPA.
Dick Seiders 120093
Deburring is necessary on the wing ribs. My ribs (wing) look like they were cut out with a HATCHET. Rivet holes appear OK but the lightning holes are very very rough and also edges need much work.

I was surprised to see the total cost of the RV-12 "as tested" -- $65,000. Now, I haven't actually added up all of the little costs associated with building my -8, but it isn't really that much more, and that's with a glass panel, 180-hp engine and CS prop.

Unless you're really wanting or needing to build an LSA, it doesn't look like economy would be a good motivator in building an RV-12.

That said, should the day come when passing a medical is in question, I don't think I'd hesitate to sell Smokey and start building one. Nice review.
I was surprised to see the total cost of the RV-12 "as tested" -- $65,000. Now, I haven't actually added up all of the little costs associated with building my -8, but it isn't really that much more, and that's with a glass panel, 180-hp engine and CS prop.

Unless you're really wanting or needing to build an LSA, it doesn't look like economy would be a good motivator in building an RV-12.

That said, should the day come when passing a medical is in question, I don't think I'd hesitate to sell Smokey and start building one. Nice review.

Hi Don,

Well I do not know of any RV-8 built for under $ 100,000 with a new engine and prop and then it takes about 2,000 man hours to do a good job on a quick build RV-8 and the RV-12 is less than 1,000 man hours so unless you value your time at zero then the RV-8 will cost about twice what the RV-12 comes in at. YMMV.

Best regards,
RV12 Budget

My Budget with All options (Dual Dynons, AP, Lights, Wheel Pants) including Paint, tools and supplies is 78,500.00
Build her E-AB

Or go E-AB - forgo the Dynon and Garmin, use less expensive radio/transponder, etc. and shave off a bundle.

Just a thought... ;)
As with many things, the economic value can be determined in ways other than acquisition cost. If purchase price was the only factor, I'd be flying a T-6 or a Stearman.

My finished RV-12 (knock on wood) will price out at $10k more than what I spent for my already-flying RV-6.

Long term, the way I see it is that I'm going to be looking at 5 gph of mogas vs. 9 gph of 100LL, 3.5 quarts of off-the-shelf motorcycle oil vs. 7 quarts of Aeroshell, and while I personally won't exercise this option, I'd guess that there are a few folks looking at the removable wings vs. hangar costs. Other factors include my FAA physical which cost close to $100 this year, and when the 100LL gas eventually gets mandated away I will have an engine that couldn't care less.

More intangibly, I'll have a modern panel with an autopilot and a plane that my daughter can use to get her license in.