
Well Known Member
It seems redundant to have both.

I plan to fly IFR so I will get the heated Dynon probe. Since I can get one with an AOA sensor, why would i bother building the Van's stall warning.

Any thoughts?
I installed it because the leading edge already came with a the hole in it. I tied it to a light on the panel as a backup.
There's no need for both, unless you just insist on both a belt AND suspenders like Justin Wilson. I omitted the stall warning vane. I installed the heated AOA/Pitot tube for my Skyview, and closed the stall sensor hole in my wing with micro, sanded it smooth. Like it was never there.
There's no need for both, unless you just insist on both a belt AND suspenders like Justin Wilson. I omitted the stall warning vane. I installed the heated AOA/Pitot tube for my Skyview, and closed the stall sensor hole in my wing with micro, sanded it smooth. Like it was never there.

+1. The audio feed from the Dynon AOA is superb.

As others have stated, I didn't install the stall vane since I planned from the start to use an AoA system. I filled the two leading edge holes with NAS1097 rivets and sanded until they disappeared, and the access panel got riveted in place permanently.
I installed the stall warning vane (one-bit digital angle of attack sensor) as a backup to whatever other angle of attack system I choose when I plan the avionics.
I adjusted the Van's light to come on at 10 kts, and the AOA audio to beep at 5 kts above stall. I wanted both as most of my time and been rotary wing so never had to worry about stall, at least not at low speed.

G.R. Kohler