
Well Known Member
Hi folks,

I recently bought the AOA Sport from Van's and installed it in my -8. The CPU box had a sticker on it saying that it was calibrated for the -4, -6, -7, and -8 (maybe the -10 too, but I forget). It also stated that I should test it out before relying on those calibrations.

The first time I flew with it, it seemed OK until I was in the pattern. Now, this is where embarassing the questions start. I have 85 hours on my -8. For the first 20 hours I fought the thing to get it on the ground without looking like an idiot. I realized that I was coming in too fast. My stall speed is about 63kts indicated clean, about 60 dirty, and I had been flying my appraches at 75-80 and floating forever. When I lowered that speed to 70-75, low and behold my landings turned out great.

When I flew my approach with the AOA Sport, I had one (sometimes two) red light showing, in other words, not good. I'm supposed to have just two yellows. To get it there, I had to fly the approach at 80kts.

So I decided to recalibrate the unit (man, hitting 0g with the flaps down is HARD ;-) Guess what; same indications.

So here are the embarassing questions:

1.) What are you -8 (and -7) drivers using for approach speeds ?

2.) What kind of stall speeds are you seeing? (I generally fly at 1600 lbs.)

3.) The AOA documentation says to use 1.4 x stall for approach, so if that is what you are using, what technique do you use to get yourself slowed down at the right spot so you don't wind up rifling off the end of a short strip?

I realize that these probably seem like pretty basic questions, but I'm confused that the approach and landing technique that I have been using for the last year may be faulty. Rather than drill a hole in the ground, I figure I'll ask the question.

Thanks in advance,
Approach speed

FWIW, in my RV-7 I use:

  • wheel landings: 75-78 KIAS on final, 70 KIAS over the fence
  • 3-pointers: 70-73 KIAS on final, 65 KIAS over the fence

Today on a demo flight with a prospective builder in my RV-7, two souls aboard and 1/2 fuel (~1620 lbs, CG 83.25"), I was seeing a power off/full flaps stall speed of 47 KIAS. Buffet from 50 KIAS down to stall.

Just my personal data points.

)_( Dan
RV-7 N714D

I just tweaked the calibration on the AOA sport on my RV-8 this afternoon, and I also have about your total time in the airplane.

One big caveat: my AOA has its own redundant pitot-static mast and doesn't tap into the "main" system at all.

My original stall indicated stall speeds were similar to yours, until I tracked down and repaired a static leak (s). My airplane now stalls clean at 49 KIAS solo and around 46 KIAS dirty (1500# give or take). These speeds agreed very well with the CAFE foundation report of the RV-8A, and with Dan's numbers.

My numbers are similar to Dan's, except a couple of knots slower. With your indicated stall speeds, I would expect your numbers to be a lot higher.

I nearly always make a "tail low" wheel landing, 70 KIAS or so on final (AOA is my primary reference) crossing the fence at about 65 and attempting to touch on the "back side" of the wheels at about 55 or so.

I haven't discovered the secret to graceful three-point landings in this airplane yet, although I prefer them in most other taildragger.

I reset the aural warning this afternoon to come on at 58 KIAS solo, and I'm not sure I like it there yet.

Thanks guys

I appreciate your input. I have always thought that the stall speed was on the high side. I guess I'm going to have to figure out if there is a leak, and track it down. I REALLY hope it isn't way down in the tail near the static ports ;-)

Here's a question: if there is a leak, would you expect it to only effect one end of the speed range (i.e. stall)? Doing GPS runs, my IAS seems to be pretty close, at least at speeds of 120+ kts.

James: was there any particular technique you used to track down your leak, or did you just tweak each junction in your static system ?

The leak was pretty obvious once I crawled back there :eek:

As I looked around, however, all of the cheap tubing I had installed 6 years prior to first flight was deteriorating. As I went through it, I realized it was quicker to just gut and replace everything. I'm still unhappy about the RTV/static ports but I'm not sure the best way to fix them since the exterior shape is so critical.

A "fast and dirty" check for static problems is to make low passes down a runway at various airspeeds and note changes in indicated altitude caused by airspeed. I found (prior to the fix) that I was indicating more than 100' higher at 180 KIAS than at 100.

I thought my high end was reasonably accurate too, until I carefully collected data and used the excellent spreadsheets on Kevin Horton's website. Things aer much better now, except that I don't cruise as fast as I used to think ;-)

James Freeman