
Well Known Member
Working on AOA/pitot tube lines, using the Dynon kit with ldpe tubes. Question is are folks terminating the tubes at the wing root with a connector, or leaving the excess coiled up and later running it directly to the AHRS/EFIS or gauges?

I can see the benefit of putting a connector at the wing root for ease of removing the wing, but on the other and a connector that's not there can't fail.

Without the fuselage I really don't know how much line is needed from the most inboard rib. The plans just show the pitot line sticking out from the inboard rib a couple of inches.

Just did this, upgraded the pitot to include AOA to a wing that was already removed for other work. We just left enough slack in the line near the wing root to make installation of a union easier should, Godforbid, the wing has to come off again.