William Slaughter

Well Known Member
I'm ready to install my Advanced Flight Systems/Propritary Software Angle of Attack hardware in my wings, but the manual is awfully light on "how-to". The percentage of chord location and basic arrangement are shown, but that's it. Did you countersink the skin and use the two screws per port, or just Proseal it? How did you keep the Proseal out of the extremely tiny hole, and make sure that the port block was centered on it? How did you make sure that the hole in the lower wing for the drain was in just the right spot so it can be as small as practical? :confused: Etc, etc. Any and all help appreciated from those who've successfully installed this system! Thanks.
William, I installed this AOA on my 8wings. you should have some dimensions for distances from the edge of the spar web for both top and bottom. They are offset from each other by 1.5 inches (if I remember right)). This dimension is the AOA port. Once this spot is marked then you can draw a square line off the edge of the wing skin (where the tip attaches) thru the marked spot parallel to the leading edge. Take a measurement of the distance between the mounting screw and use this to locate mounting screw holes using the port marking as the center and now you have located all three holes. Yes, I used the screws and dimpled the skin. Proseal would probably work but I didnt want to take any chances with this instrument. hope this helps.
All of the above

I installed mine last night.

Basically did the squaring bit mentioned above. Measured the distance from outboard edge of skin for top and bottom in two places, connected the dots. That gave me a line running parallel to the wing tip the correct distance from the wingtip. The I measured from the rear of the LE skin on each side of the already drawn line and connected those dots, leaving me with basically a +

The center is where the small hole goes. I measured one of the delrin pieces hole to hole for the screw distance, then divided by two. Measured that along the king perpindicular to the wingtip and made a mark. I used a small punch to make the mark. Drilled it in place, then clecoed the bottom Delrin fitting to that hole and positioned it so that the line I drew on the skin was visible through the other hole, then back-drilled it. Final hole size is 1/8" (#30). I dimpled by putting the female die in a bucking bar, and using the rod from my C-Frame for the male die. Takes two people, hit with a mallet.

For the drain hole on the bottom:
I removed the drain fitting on the air-water separator clecoed on the top, then turned out the lights. I turned on a flashlight and shot it through the #60 opening on the top of the wing. This projected a fairly large spot on the bottom of the wing. Using a Sharpie, I marked the center of that spot as best I could, then drilled there using a 90 degree attachment. Hole size is #40.

After drilled, deburring, dimpling, etc, I cleaned the skin interiors and delrin pieces as best I could, then put a VERY small bead of proseal on the outside edge of the delrin, then positioned it and pushed into place. The Proseal held it there while I inserted and tightened the screws and nuts.

I will let the proseal dry and finish mounting the LE on on the spar before connecting the hoses.

If I were to do i again, I would measure and drill before riveting the wing together. This will make the dimpling process MUCH simpler. (Except for the drain hole. I wouls still do that after positioning the delrin on the riveted LE.

Hopefully, this is helpful to someone.

Oh yeah. Measure twice, drill once. That prevents you from having to put three extra rivets in your skin. :rolleyes:
Richard and B.P.,

Thanks for the posts, though I finished my AOA install back in June. I decided to use the mounting screws, since I had the wing sitting vertical in the jig, and was concerned about keeping the delrin blocks in place while proseal hardended. FWIW, my method was:
Laid out the chordwise mounting location per the instructions, and picked convenient spanwise locations, maintaining the offset between upper and lower ports per the instructions. With my trusty Sharpie, I drew a "crosshairs" on each spot, using one spanwise and one chordwise line. I then used a circle template to draw circles the size of the delrin port blocks centered on the spots. I held the delrin block onto the outside of the skin, aligned with the circle, and match drilled the first screw hole. I installed a mounting screw in that hole and matched drilled the other. After appropriate deburring and careful countersinking of the screw holes, I installed the port blocks with a thin (1/16") bead of RTV around the perimeter of the blocks (staying inside the screw holes of course). I placed the screw holes to the sides of the port sense hole, rather than fore and aft. To locate the drain hole, I just used a small straightedge along the side of the upper port, marking several points around it to create a circle on the inside of the skin. Drilled a #40 hole in the center of that circle from the inside, then opened up the hole to final size from the outside.
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AoA water drain guide

In case anyone ever goes searching for AoA info in the archives...
I also chose to install a guide tube so I wouldn't be waving the metal wire around inside the wing searching for the drain thingy. I had a piece of nylon made up exactly as per the existing bits, positioned it as necessary on the bottom skin and ran a piece of clear viny tube between this and the upper port/drain. A picture paints a thousand words, so here...

If anyone wants detailed instructions on how I fitted the AoA then just 'PM' me (or send email via my kitlog site), but I think the previous posts in this thread pretty much cover it. I'm also running the tubes through the lightening hole in the spar and then through the same holes in the ribs that I used for the pitot in the left wing (AoA is in the right wing). I'll post a photo of the little bracket on my kitlog once I get the wing of the jig (possibly by the end of this week, all going well).

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