
Active Member
Hello All,
My Dynon Skyview AOA indicator has stopped sounding in my headset. The four year old system worked as expected until a few months ago. Non-heated, with the airspeed set to ignore speeds below twenty knots, it beeps just fine once speed increases past twenty while on ground. But during landing flair and during stalls, it no longer sounds. The AOA image is displaying on screen, and the colored lines disappear as speed decreases, but no sound. What am I missing? I don't fool with the settings hardly at all and don't think I changed any settings for the AOA prior to the problem occurring. Before I try recalibration, I thought I would ask if anyone else has had a similar issue, and ask what was done to correct the problem.
Thank you for your time.
Hello All,
My Dynon Skyview AOA indicator has stopped sounding in my headset. Non-heated, with the airspeed set to ignore speeds below twenty knots, it beeps just fine once speed increases past twenty while on ground. But during landing flair and during stalls, it no longer sounds. The AOA image is displaying on screen, and the colored lines disappear as speed decreases, but no sound. Before I try recalibration, I thought I would ask if anyone else has had a similar issue, and ask what was done to correct the problem.
Thank you for your time.

I ran into the exact same issue yesterday. After I landed, I didn't have time to fuss with it, but I did play with the volume control without success. When I installed it a couple of years ago, I recalled a menu item in my D10A to set/test the volume. I will get back to the plane later this week and attempt to test it with the Dynon software. Failing that, I'll have to look at the wiring, but that seems unlikely.

I'll post again after I investigate. If you learn anything useful, please share.

I'd just go fly and recalibrate it. Easy enough to do, and doesn't require opening anything up or messing with any wiring. If that doesn't fix it, then look elsewhere.

Oh, and save the config files before doing that, so you can compare them afterwards if you want.
I fixed mine this morning. It turns out, when I wired the AoA volume potentiometer to the intercom, I selected the pin that only passes signal when the intercom is powered. (I had turned it off during the ADS-B install and had neglected to turn it back on during the subsequent ADS-B test flights). This morning, I noticed the error and turned on the intercom. I hope yours turns out to be as trivial.

Make sure the AOA hole in the pitot tube is not plugged. The fact that it changes on screen, though, would indicate not. Maybe an AOA audio setting has changed?