
Well Known Member
I will check with AnywhereMap on this on Monday, but since it is the weekend and they are unlikely to answer, thought I'd ask here in the meantime.

Does anyone know if AnywhereMap has integrated an ADSB-in weather resource into their navigation software yet and if not, do they have any plans to do so? I have a PC based display in my aircraft (Levil) and it is a terrific system for my purposes. I also have an iPad/ForeFlight/Stratus stand alone package as well but it is not very handy since I have very little space available on which to attach it (I just pick it up off the floor once in awhile now).

I would much prefer to have a source for the Stratus ADSB information that displays "within" AnywhereMap so I'd have it on a large, bright display right in front of me if possible. Anyone know if this is in the cards any time soon?


I asked the question at AirVenture and got the answer "soon". Please share any updates you receive, as I would like to upgrade my Anywhere Map to include ADS-B weather.

Try Truemap

I'm running TrueMap software on my PC display, driven by a SkyRadar receiver. I wouldn't call it mature, but it does give you NEXRAD, METARs & TAFs. You would have to switch to WingX on the iPad unless you want two ADSB receivers.


I am an avid anywhere map user and watch their board regularly. The answer is no. They did say "soon" and anywhere map has been listed on ads-b receiver sites as "coming soon". It has not proved to be "soon" however (note the 2012 date in the post below) and posts from the company are few and far between on their board. I doubt you will get a reply even if you contact them directly to ask during the week. Many, myself included, have emailed the company with no reply received.

I looked at the AWM board. Here is a post by the president of the AWM parent company Control Vision:

Re: ADS-B ???

Postby jhumbard ยป Thu Aug 02, 2012 12:25 pm
We will be sending out an email in Mid September that will detail the options for ADSB for both Android and IOS.

Our general plan is to make XMWX available on both platforms in Late August / Early September...

We will follow this rather quickly with TWO ADSB options in late September. I do not plan to support any generic ADSB device, but a select few devices. We have to do this to control Tech support costs.

It would not be a good idea to purhcase an ADSB device until our announcement.
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Well, not exactly the answer I was hoping for. I'll let everyone know if I come up with anything different this week. If they aren't answering you guys, I'm sure they won't answer me either, but it's still worth trying. I don't really want to have to buy another ADSB-in and learn yet another navigation software (Garmin 530, AnywhereMap, and Foreflight are enough, already!)...
