Robert M

Well Known Member
Here's my future configration....

Catto 3-Blade - 67" Diameter x 69" Pitch, Nickel Leading Edges, sitting on the nose of a 0-320 150HP with expected max RPM to be around 2700-2750 RPM
Top speed (speculated by Catto) 187-191mph@2750rpm
13" Carbon Fiber spinner.

Does anyone have any stats that can give me a "ballpark" idea of my climb performance - i.e. time to climb (from sea level), fuel used, speeds)?

I really liked that Cessna had it in their POH's and it was quite helpful with trip planning.


It depends on lots of things. The RV-9A at Vy speeds will get >1000'/min rates, but you might have CHT issues on a hot day. I usually let the AP climb at 500'/min rate and my airspeed will be ~110-120 Knots. My FP Sensenich composite prop will spin at 2450 in cruise WOT/LOP and I'll generally see 147-150Kts in cruise on 6-7 gals/hr (160 HP IO-320).

We have big tall mountains out west and I haven't had any issues getting over them yet! I crossed the Rockies headed west out of Boulder and got up over the continental divide at 16,000' from a field elevation of 5,380' in a relatively short distance (~25nm) with a couple of circles over Boulder to get to 10,000' first.
POH Time to Climb

Here's my future configuration....
I really liked that Cessna had it in their POH's and it was quite helpful with trip planning.
Robert'll know soon enough when you knock out your flight tests and begin to create your unique POH, based on the derived data! :)

Doug Lomheim
RV-3A sold
RV-9A Mazda 13B/FWF